Chapter 7: Take me or Leave me.

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Danni spent the next week trying to get Bucky to stop ignoring her and helping Clint prank the rest of the team. They had successfully pranked Tony (by colouring his suits neon pink), Sam (by placing cups,filled with water, and mouse traps all over his bedroom floor, so he couldn't leave) and Peter (by changing his suit settings while he was training, successfully getting Nat and Bruce stuck to the wall together). 

With everyone out on missions, the tower was empty with the exception of Bucky and Danni, so she made the decision to corner him. Which leads us to now... in a secured room.

"Why are you just acting like nothing happened? You know, with the exception of the ignoring, avoiding, oh, and practically running the other direction when I enter a room, which was also stupid because you ran into a wall almost every time you tried." Danielle ranted, while gradually raising her voice into a small shout.  

Bucky looked away from her not wanting to answer. Knowing he would cracked if he looked into her doe-eyes he would slowly crumble, eventually, revealing the truth. He knew that she would disagree with his choices but he can't hurt her. Not after what she's been through.

Danielle realising that he wasn't gonna talk just yet, continued waiting for him to crack. " What? Nothing to say? Come on!" She was getting extremely frustrated with the lack of answers. "Oh my god, WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?!?!?" She finally shouted.

"HURTING YOU!!!!" He hesitated on his next sentences. "I'm scared that if we...try this, than your going to get hurt or worse. I can't live knowing that it was because of me that you died. You were never supposed to mean much to me. You weren't meant to be surrounding me every thought...but you are. You have this amazingly, annoying way of being the first thing I think about when I wake up, your smile being the last I see as I fall asleep. And honestly...I'm difficult to love. I am hollow around the edges and on those rare occasions when you try to take them leap, I give up and make my walls higher. But somehow I know your different, that you will continue to climb and maybe break them down, and it terrifies me. I'm terrified that if we try this than you will see everything I've been trying to hide from you, so that you can at least you don't see the monster I really am." 

Everything was silent. Neither moved too stunned by the semi-truthful words spoken. Bucky thinking that the conversation was over began walking away.

"No." Danielle said, making him halt in his steps. She turned to face his back as he had yet to turn around "You don't get to keep walking away from me. I won't let you. You say your walls will get higher, I will break them down. You say your scared, well so am I. I am terrified everyday that all of this will be a dream and Ill wake up only to see that I'm still what I've spent the majority of life experiment. I want you, as simple as that. I've spent a great deal of my life thinking I have to settle for less. You hear me? I'm done. I'm not giving up, so the question here is will you take me with all these risks we deal with everyday, or will you leave me? Answer that, just be honest, will you give up or not? Cause if you are than we have a problem, cause I'm not giving up. I didn't give up in HYDRA despite being a lab rat and I sure as hell won't give up now." 

Through out her speech he still hadn't turned around. Just when she was sure he would carry on walking away, he turned and took several strides towards her, grabbed her cheeks while she grasped his forearms and their lips met in a passionate and rough kiss. His hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer, as her hands connected around his neck. Sadly, this useful thing called oxygen just had to exist, which is ridiculous, so reluctantly they pulled away, remaining in each-others arms, their foreheads connected together like magnets. 

Still breathing heavily, Bucky opened his eyes to see they honey-brown ones he's grown to love staring back at him. Their mouths pulled into a smile, transforming into a breathy laugh. 

"Okay, we'll try this. I will try this. For you." Bucky said looking into her eyes, his voice never wavering, his ocean-eyes never slipping from hers. His answer made her smile, her eyes shining with a happiness only he wanted to make and it made his smile mirror hers.


After everyone got back from their missions, the newly made couple had called everyone into the shared lounge. Everyone confused, as they thought they were in an argument. They looked happy when everyone huddled together in the living room, so they assumed that they sorted their differences. In some way they were right, just not the differences they were thinking.

"Um, sooo..."Danielle started of awkwardly, seeing as she and Bucky, for that matter, hadn't done this before. 

"What's this about? I'm still trying to scrub the bright pink paint from my suits." Tony stated, putting an emphasis on 'bright pink paint' to make it clear he hadn't been keen on the joke. Danielle, feeling awkward about the reminder, messed with the end of her sweater even more than previously. 

Bucky, understanding that she was feeling awkward from this whole encounter, took the lead "We wanted to tell you that, were going to try the whole dating thing, see where it goes from there and hope for the best." He guessed just getting it over with would be easier than letting them have their opinion half way through the discussion and making Danielle more nervous for their reactions. 

Their facial expressions were all filled with relief, excluding Tony. Natasha, looking like she won the lottery, turned to Tony with her hand out and said" Pay up, you lost the bet." Making everyone around them look at them with either amusement or, if your Danielle and Bucky, disbelief. 

"You bet on this!" The couple exclaimed.

The others laughed at their surprised expressions, as they make bets on practically everything. The two betters nodded, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.  

After asking the couple a few more questions, throwing some teasing into the mix, they went to do their own thing, leaving Danielle and Bucky to cuddle on the sofa watching TV.


Hey Cupcakes (Deal with the nickname)

     I know it's a short chapter but on the bright side, BUNNI IS OFFICIAL!!! 

After some very stressful moments it happened. Just a little clarification, Danielle has been with the Avengers for about 7/8 months. I don't think the time line matches up but we'll work with it. 

Soon there will be a holiday chapter, hopefully.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and hopefully this book. 

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