Lucario's Wish

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Chespin, Braixen, Greninja and Lucario ran as fast as they could. Suddenly they entered an area of the forest where there were less trees... 'I cannot wait for them to be in a stupid plain field!' Ash thought 'I know there are still trees out here but it just doesn't matter! First I will kill his friends and then Greninja will be killed himself! He set the helicopter on Auto Pilot mode and then leaned out of the sliding helicopter door. He closed one of his eyes and took targeted Chespin. He pressed the trigger button. The bullet hit the poor Chespin and killed him! Lucario and Greninja were shocked and Braixen just screamed! 'NOOO!' she screamed as her eyes became extremely moist 'I.... I.... Don't want to DIE! PLEASEEE!' A bullet hit her in the head. She fell to the ground. The last few seconds of her life were spent in complete sadness as tears came  out of her eyes and fell to the ground. She had a dead look on her face... Then she closed her eyes... Lucario and Greninja widened their eyes... 'All... All.... Because of you....' Lucario said as he ran. He had complete anger and hatred for Greninja in his eyes. 'ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! We lost everyone... Now... I am probably the next one to die... All because of... You... I wish... I just wish... That... You were never in our group...' Greninja widened his eyes. He had never felt so hurt before... 'Is it truly... all... because of me?' he thought. He felt weak, emotionally and mentally... He looked at Braixen's body... He was still running... He was not stopping... He felt like he was cruel... He was ruthless... Suddenly he heard the sound of a bullet... It hit Lucario in the back. He screamed in agony as blood came out of his back and he fell to the ground. Greninja widened his eyes again... But this time, he would not run away anymore... He stopped... He fell down to his knees and saw Lucario... He was... Dead... Greninja realized it... Now, he would not run away anymore... He looked up to the helicopter... Ash shot another bullet at him but he used Water Shuriken and SLICED the bullet in half. Ash could see the anger in the eyes of Greninja... The thirst of revenge... Even The Mastermind got scared from Greninja for a moment... Greninja would now strike back... 

Ash Ketchum: Path To A Mastermind Part 2 (GRENINJA'S RETURN)Where stories live. Discover now