"This girl just won't take a hint" I roll my eyes

"DRACO" she ignores me and tries to pull him into a hug, as much as I dislikes pansy her outfit was awful. The silver dress actually suited her dare I say she looked nice? Her Bob was gone now up in a bun giving off the effect she has more hair.

"Oh you I didn't see you there"

"Clearly" I roll my eyes

She looks me up and down and her face forms a frown "is there anything she can't wear" I heard pansy mutter.I tried to surprise my smirk instead i changed the conversation.

"Well I must say Parkinson you do look somewhat decent this evening" a ghost smile formed her face.But it was quickly replaced with a scowl "yea well you don't look that bad either"

She left without another word. Draco in a state of shock.

"What in the name of merlin did I just witness you and pugface being civil"

I shrug "it was a once off thing I still thing she got the dress at a hand me down store"

"And there it is" Draco said before burst out laughing

I walked down the steps my heels clicking. Causing People to turn my way. Potter was outside the hall with other champions with a girl who has a two I believe. Granger had managed to get victor to go with her and Weasley looked rather ridiculous in his robes.

"Love the robes Weasley" I giggle

"Shut it Robinson" I flicked my hair at Weasley before walking to the great hall. I was about to walk through the door when potter grabbed my arm.


He scratches the back of his neck "you l-look very lovely tonight Melody" I nod my head before wishing him a brief good luck before searching for Draco.

"What did potter want" Draco asked. He was cute when he's jealous

"Why you jealous" I wink at him. He huffs

"No I'm not jealous of Potter it's just annoying he likes my girl"

I stare gobsmacked "what do you mean he likes me"

He rolled his eyes "how can you not see it love you are the only Slytherin he talks to, when you walk in the room he becomes a klutz not to mention he always stares at you it's rather annoying"

I kiss Draco's cheek "okay maybe he does kinda like me but I love you Draco it's always been you".

He smiled and kisses my forehead. Dumbledore's speech was brief and the champions entered and began to dance. And those who couldn't dance tried there best.

Everyone else was allowed to join in so Draco smiles at me "Well my beautiful girlfriend would you care to dance"

I giggle "i thought you'd never ask"

I took his hand and he lead me to the centre of the room. The decor was flawless the person who designed it has taste. Draco placed a hand on my waist as I placed mine on his shoulder, our other hands locked together as we began to sway back and forth.

All eyes were staring at us and as I locked eyes with Draco my heart did a little flip. His eyes always were breathtaking the beautiful dark grey specks through out his light grey eye colour made people stop and stare. He was strong and confident in himself.

He smiled at me when he caught me staring

"See something you like love"

I nod "yes I do"

He raised an eyebrow "Cocky much"

"I prefer the term confident" I shrug. He chuckle and pulls me closer

"How did I get so lucky?"

I winked "you didn't you were cursed"

He tilts my head so I'm facing him "well if this a curse it's one I don't want broken"

I smiled and leaned up and placed my lips on to his. His minty breath fills the air as he reciprocates the kiss, we pull apart breathless and he caresses my face.

"I love you melody"

"I love you too Draco"

I rest my head on his shoulder as we continue to sway back and forth in each other's arms. I ignored the gazes and some glares I was receiving. I merely focused on this moment of pure bliss in the arms of the man that loves me and who I love with my whole heart.

Word count:1376

Can't believe I've hit 2K on this story OML! thank you all so much! I have so much love for you all!💚

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