✔ I love you (Part 4)

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~Day One~

"So she gave you a week to prove that you belong together?" Scott asked as we sat in my Jeep eating burgers.

"Yes and I'm terrified that she's going to change her mind when I show up to pick her up for a surprise date." I answered taking a bite of the burger.

"What do you have planned for your date?" Scott asked.

"You know how on the preserve there's a water fall area?" I asked and he nodded, "I'm bringing her there for a picnic as she greatly despises restaurants. Maybe some swimming." I answered and he gave me a knowing look, "There might definitely be swimming so you can't come." I said and he smirked. "Shut up." I mumbled taking a handful of fries and eating them.

"Wait, hold on don't move." Scott said and I looked at him confused with a mouthful of food.

"Is that my phone?" I asked with my mouth full of fries. "Are you taking a picture?" 

"Sending this to Danny." He said and I panicked snatching my phone from him.

"No, no you're not." I snapped looking at the picture before handing the phone back. "Hurry up before I change my mind." I groaned.

"You want to see what she sent back?" Scott asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah." I grumbled and he handed me my phone and I looked at the picture, which was River with flour on her face making a goatee as her eyes looked to the side. She's just so beautiful.

"Your mood seems to do a 180." Scott commented.

"Shut up." I said looking out my window with a slightly red face.

"So are you going to tell her about you two being mates?"He asked.

"Maybe. I want her back before I tell her so I don't scare her again." I answered running a hand threw my hair.

"If you go swimming won't your hair be ruined?" Scott asked.

"I don't care, she loves running her hands threw my hair." I answered before starting the car and driving Scott home.


I got to River's loft and knocked on the door. 

"Hi." River said and I looked at what she was in. It was a plain pair of jeans and a black tee-shirt.

"Grab a coat and come with me." I ordered and she gave me a suspicious look.

"If you start singing I'm closing this door." She said holding out a finger slightly touching my chest.

"Just come with me." I said and she shrugged grabbing her jacket before sliding on her sneakers. 

"Let's go." She said grabbing my hand and I pulled her to my car smiling.

We got to what I'm hoping will turn into our place, where we can go and be alone together every once and awhile for us time.

"Wow." River breathed and I grinned at her head.

"You like it?" I asked and she looked at me with a smile as she nodded her head.

"It's beautiful." She stated and I gently tugged on her hand.

"We're almost there. Just up there is where I'm taking you for a surprise." I said.

"Can't we teleport?" She asked and I refuse to let her ruin the hours of work I put in to making it as romantic as possible for her.

"No." I bluntly stated and she shrugged as we walked up the small path that had fairy lights leading to the picnic area.

"You didn't?" She asked and I nodded.

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