✔ Saving River Part Two

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Regular is River's, bold is Stiles', underline is a flashback. Italics is a dream.

River was tossed into a room next to a man throwing himself against a wall, he was no older than her with silver hair that matched hers only straight

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River was tossed into a room next to a man throwing himself against a wall, he was no older than her with silver hair that matched hers only straight. His name Dante Addams. 

"Danny?" Dante choked slamming into the wall again.

"Mhm?" She hummed laying on the floor not able to move.

"How much drugs did they give you?" He asked slamming into a wall to which he only go a groan in response. "Are we the last two?" He asked watching as she gave a lazy thumbs up to which he gave a muffled sob as the doctor came back. "I'll get you out, I promise." Dante promised and River started laughing which caused the lights to flicker slightly, which went unbeknownst to the doctor but not Dante who watched red form around the girls hands and legs.

"Time for your tests, Addams." The doctor said as River laughed uncontrollably do to the drugs.

"Derek glare at me one more time, I dare you." Stiles threatened looking at the werewolf annoyed.

"So let me get this straight you want to drive 54 hours to save a girl who can teleport?" Peter asked and Stiles nodded. "Can't she just teleport out?" He asked.

"No, with how many drugs are pumping threw her veins I'm surprised she's even still awake." Stiles sighed rubbing his face. How hard was it to understand that he would drive the 54 hour himself if he had to without rest if it meant saving his girl?

"Okay, when do we leave?" He asked and everyone looked at Peter Hale confused.

"What?" Lydia asked standing next to Stiles.

"When do we leave?" He asked again before saying, "You might not understand the importance of his eyes changing color but Derek and I do and we're not going to go against a thing he says." 

"Cool." Stiles said smiling slightly crossing his arms over his chest. "We all know the plan? We take two cars because River is going to need to sleep a lot so we take Argent's car and my jeep. Scott rides with me. The rest of you with Peter besides Malia and Kira because you guys just had to get yourselves grounded or Cora because she has to go back to helping werewolves and River would kill me if I made you miss your flight so you could do that. So that leaves Lydia, Peter, Derek, Issac, Scott, and me." Stiles listed before a smirk crossed his face, "Who wants to summon Lucifer?" He asked and everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

"You can't summon Lucifer!" Peter snapped and Stiles raised a brow.

"Why not, River does to play go fish." He asked.

"Ya got me there. What do you need?" Peter asked holding back a sigh.

"Nothing, just this." Stiles said holding up a knife that was a gift from River's real father.

Alone TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora