✔ I'm sorry. (Is chapter)

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~Stiles' POV~

'I'm breaking up with you.' My voice said. I know it was my voice but it wasn't me.

'What?' The love of my life asked confused looking at me like I lost my head.

'You heard me: I'm. Breaking. Up. With. You.' The voice repeated more clearly.

'I heard, I'm just confused.' She said causing him to scoff.

'Why? What's there to be confused about?' The voice asked rolling my eyes.

'I don't know everything. I thought we were fine after me not telling you about my past trauma.' She answered picking at her hands and I don't think she realized she was doing it.

'Oh no we are. That's not why I'm breaking up with you.' He bluntly stated as I tried to yell, scream, do anything to tell her that this wasn't me. That I would never do this.

'Then why are you breaking up with me?' My River asked no emotion on her face but if you looked into her beautiful eyes you could see the pain and confusion.

'How do I put this simply... I'm still in love with Lydia. You were just a distraction and I'm moving on.' He bluntly stated breaking her even more. I wanted nothing more than for her to start laughing and saying that this wasn't me because I would never hurt her like this. You're not supposed to hurt the one you love.

'Good to know that I shouldn't have trusted you with my heart in the first place.' She snarled taking off the ring I gave her, her walls faltered letting me see just how broken she really was before the ring hit the ground. It's like it echoed going in slow motion as she turned around to walk away but he wasn't done with the pain. He had one more thing as I tried to break free.

'I have one more thing to tell you before you go.' He said and she turned to look at me and I couldn't read anything in her eyes. There was nothing, no pain, no anger, no hope that this was all a sick joke, nothing. 'I've been sleeping with Malia again behind your back.' He stated and she took a sharp inhale of breath, nodded, and vanished as my face fell and tears ran down it.


I jerked up panting trying to calm my heartbeat that was going ten miles a minute. After finally calming it down I laid back down and turned to wrap my arms around River.

"Babygirl, I just had the worst dream." I whispered dropping my arm but nothing was there. I was alone, nobody was next to me like every Saturday morning fast asleep in one of my shirts, arms tightly wrapped around either my pillow or my arm that was across her chest. Her side of the bed was made up, for the most part, like it hadn't been touched. I sat up and got up thinking she was downstairs making breakfast and I couldn't smell it thru our closed door. I opened the door and nothing filled my nose as empty silence filled my ears, the only sound that could be heard was my bare feet padding against the hardwood floor as I walked to the stairs. I made it to the kitchen and found it empty say for a note on the counter, thinking it was from River I walked over expecting to see her small scribbled cursive and the little wolf she's always drawn after her name when we would leave each other notes or send each other letters but instead I was meet with my dad's harsh messy writing saying:

Had to go in early. Was going to wake you and River. Decided against it. Be back for lunch at 1:30.
-Papa Stilinski.

He did always like when River called him Papa Stilinski. I walked to the living room hoping to see her on the couch either curled up asleep or sitting in the armchair with her legs over the right arm and a book in her hands but I was met with nothing again. The only other place she could be was the bathroom but the door was wide open and she wasn't in there. Was my nightmare real? Did I break up with the love of my life? I slowly made my way back to our room and sat on the end of her side of the bed resting my face in my hands. I did didn't I? I broke up with River-Lilly Danny Singer because of something. What happened yesterday? All I remember was waking up, kissing behind River's ear, like every morning, waking her up, her smiling at me before we shared a morning kiss not caring if the other had morning breath before we got ready for school. We got to school after she made french toast and we ate with dad before he went to work laughing and joking around, we said morning to everyone. I remember yesterday morning was a perfect morning, everything about it was perfect. Same thing with lunch we are with our friends, you had your finger looped in my belt loop as the pack talked about random things, I remember you rubbing my waist with your thumb and I asked you about it you simply replied, 'is it wrong to want to feel your skin?' Causing me to smile before kissing you again muttered a 'no' against your lips. The rest of the school day was normal until Destiny asked to talk to me before we left, I can't remember what we talked about. Then I drove you back to your loft because you needed to check something, I followed you inside to see everything was perfect. I sat on the couch while you went into your room to do whatever, you came back and we started kissing instead of doing school work. One thing lead to another. As we talked naked on your bed Scott called wanting to meet with all of us about the half werewolf and we got dressed before kissing again then we left. After that everything is hazy, I can't remember anything. My phone rang causing me to jump as it broke the silence that was killing me.

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