✔ Saving River Part one

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Regular is River's, bold is Stiles', underline is a flashback. It's in 3rd person point of view just saying. The song is I need a hero by Bonnie Tyler.

"Hurry up." A doctor said looking at the unresponsive girl that she dealt with years before when she was just a nurse. "I know you can hear me." She snapped jerking the white haired werewolf back slightly. She tried all summer to be nice but she just refused to talk much like she did almost four years ago.

There was a girl who thought she didn't deserve love. She lost her parents when she was young then she lost her father figure years later. She thought of herself as a curse on this her world. She tried killing herself but that didn't work she came back. She was murdered but she came back. Each time chipping away more of the purest soul that anyone will ever see which is why he fell for her. He didn't see someone damaged beyond repair like everyone else, he saw a girl that had stories he couldn't wait to hear.

"That's it." The doctor said pulling her out of the shower by her hair. What the doctor didn't know was just how drugged up the 16 almost 17 year old was since she got there. The doctor threw her bathrobe at the girl, who had her arms held closely to her chest and if you looked closely you could see a tan line on her middle finger despite how pale the girl was. The doctor motioned for one of the nurses to take the girl away after fixing the bathrobe on her naked body.

"Stiles calm down." Scott ordered his best friend who reeked of anxiety.

"How am I supposed to calm down when my girlfriend was supposed to be back two months ago!" Stiles snapped at the werewolf as they left the school ground. Scott's eyes trailing to the two rings in the window of Stiles' old jeep shining in the light.

"Have you visited her at all during the summer?" The werewolf asked looking at his best friend watching one Theo Reckon walk behind him.

"No, I wasn't allowed. How stupid is that?! I'm her boyfriend I should be allowed to visit her whenever I damn please!" The boy snapped throwing his arms around before opening the driver's side of the door looking at the two rings much like Scott did not moments ago, calming down. "I just want her back. I've had a bad feeling about letting her stay there all summer and after saving Lydia it only got worse." Stiles sighed as the two got buckled.

"Have you asked Lydia's mom if you can visit after all she is her niece." Scott pointed out.

"Actually she's Lydia's dad's niece. Phillip was her dad's brother." Stiles snapped starting the jeep before his wrist burned and it wasn't like the times before. This one made him feel like he was on fire.

He just wanted to get to know the girl that was staying with his uncles' father figure but she had many walls built up that he couldn't climb over. She didn't talk only listened and observed everyone like it was her job. In truth she was curious about her surroundings just wanting to explore but to do so she had to take an adult with her and the only adult she liked was always busy with work and only visited in the summer. This person was the boy's mom, his mom didn't really like people when they visited. The boy remembered when his mom started freaking out and the girl calmed her by reciting math problems and he vaguely recalled the doctor saying that would help. In that moment him watching her calm his mom he fell in love without knowing it. He would later claim that it was when they where six and she made him laugh despite the fact that his mom just died but he was wrong it was the moment she calmed her that he fell in love.

"Talk to your dad maybe he can talk to the doctors." Scott said and Stiles nodded gently touching the rings as the burning calmed down. That has been happening for the past week, the burning, then he'll look at his arm right where his elbow creases and it'll look like he got a shot.

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