Chapter Twenty: Guilt

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Camilla unravels her naked body from the sleeping Montgomery's, pausing to take a nice long look of adoration towards her peaceful boyfriend. She was happy that they were able to work it out and get back together, but she also couldn't shake off her feelings of guilt lingering in the back of her mind for just ending it with Zach so suddenly and without discussing it with him.

She slowly and quietly, gets up off the bed, careful not to wake him. Her aching body parts due to the multiple rounds that occurred due to neither of them being able to keep their hands off each other made it easier for her to move as slow as possible.

She picks his shirt up off the floor, it falling barely to mid thigh, and then grabbing a pair of athletic short shorts from her dresser before dragging herself down the stairs to grab a bottle of water and gatorade for Montgomery, knowing he was going to ask for some whenever he woke up. Before she could reach the kitchen, a soft knocking at her door made her stop in her tracks.

She looks at the door, tilting her head in curiosity, wondering if she was hearing correctly and that there was actually someone at her door at three in the morning.

The knocking is heard again, this time louder, making her finally jump into action, not wanting whoever was knocking to wake her sleeping boyfriend, someone who gets very annoyed when woken up out of his sleep.

She opens the door, an annoyed look on her face to whoever decided to come to her house so late. "Hey, what the fu-" She begins, pausing when she realizes the person at her front door is none other than Zach. 

"Hey, sorry for coming so late. I couldn't sleep and wanted to talk to you." Zach says in a low voice, looking around them for Montgomery's car.

"It's fine. What's up?" She asks, stepping forward and closing the door behind her, making Zach look at her in confusion since he assumed that she would've had him come inside and sit on the couch to talk like they always did. "Monty's sleeping upstairs, don't want to wake him." She responds, noticing Zach's facial expression.

"Oh. Well I just wanted to ask what was going on, since you guys were going to the bathroom together at Bryce's party earlier. Are you guys back together?" 

"Actually, yeah. We are, we just got back together yesterday." 

Zach tries to hide his sad expression, and hold back the emotions he was feeling. He had a feeling that what he and Camilla had going on wasn't going to last forever, but he was hoping that they could've taken it to the next level, and be more than just a friends with benefits situation. But Montgomery had to come back into her life, making her fall head over heels in love again and ruining their summer fling.

"That's good. I'm happy for you." Zach says, mustering up a smile to make her believe he was genuinely happy for her. Although he was actually happy for her, and wanted nothing but the best for her, he secretly felt, deep down, that he should be the one making her happy, not Montgomery.

Camilla sighs. Even though Zach's words made her feel a little better about the situation, she still felt horribly guilty about it. "Zach, listen. I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"About what?" Zach faked cluelessness. 

Before Camilla could utter another word, they both could hear a deep voice yelling her name from inside the house. Camilla wraps her arms around herself, looking down at her attire and knowing Montgomery wouldn't be too happy that she's talking to Zach at her house so late, practically wearing nothing.

"Shit." She muttered, before turning around and opening the door. "I'm outside talking to Zach, babe!" She yells inside the house, quickly hearing footsteps descending down the stairs and towards the front door, before the door swings open.

A shirtless, annoyed looking Montgomery stood, shirtless with his eyebrows furrowed as he glanced between his girlfriend and Zach. "Is there a reason you're here, outside with my girl's house talking to her so late, Dempsey?" He asks, his eyebrows raising as he spoke, and crossing his toned, muscular arms across his chest making him look more intimidating than Camilla would have liked.

Camilla notices Zach's mouth open and close like a fish, not knowing what lie he could come up with on the spot to get him out of getting his ass beat by Montgomery.

"He.. he just was feeling sad and wanted to talk about his dad babe." Camilla spoke up for him, putting a hand on her boyfriend's arm to let him know to calm down. Montgomery's mouth opens a little, realizing he shouldn't have came at Zach the way he did. He uncrosses his arms, stepping onto the front steps. "Shit man, I'm sorry." He says, pulling Zach in for a hug.

"It's okay. I think I'm gonna get going, and let you guys go back to sleep." Zach says, unwrapping himself from Montgomery and begins walking backwards. "You sure, man? You can come in, hell you can even sleep on the couch or in one of the guest rooms if you don't want to be alone. Cammy doesn't mind, right babe?" Montgomery offers, earning a head nod from Camilla as she keeps her lips pursed, staying silent in more guilt as she realizes how big of a secret she's keeping from Montgomery.

"Nah, bro. It's fine. Thank you for the talk, Cam. I'll see you guys... whenever." Zach shrugs, giving a slight wave before getting into his car and driving off.

"Well.. that was strange. He's never come to any of us like that about his dad." Montgomery says after pulling Camilla back inside and closing the door.

"We just, became closer when his dad died. He didn't want to talk to you guys because he felt like you guys would bitch him and tell him to man up whenever he got these random moments of sadness." "Closer huh? You and Dempsey? Close?" Montgomery tilts his head to the side, knowing that even though Camilla would give him, like the other guys, pep talks from time to time and scold him, he never pictured them being that close. Bryce or Justin maybe, but Zach never.

"Yup. Surprised us too." Camilla responds, walking into the kitchen to avoid her boyfriend's intense and intimidating stare. This lying thing was not something she could get used to, but at this point she felt like she didn't have a choice.

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