Chapter Nineteen: Together Again

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"So, what do you want to talk about?" Camilla asks Montgomery, glancing around the restaurant and not being able to stop herself from continuously glancing at the table her and Zach had sat at a couple days prior.

"I told you." "You said you wanted to talk about us, that's not very descriptive, don't you think?" She responds sarcastically, looking back at him as she nervously played with her food.

"I miss you." He says, causing her to sigh. "And I know you miss me too, baby."

She raises her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side as she eats a fry from his plate. "Oh really?"

Montgomery's smug and know it all attitude had faltered at her response. He could tell that him telling her how she felt was what was making her even more annoyed and possibly pushing them further apart. He couldn't take control in that moment, he had to make her feel like she had some type of power also, or he'll never get her back.

"Honestly.. I don't know, Cam. I don't know how you're feeling about me, about our relationship, or if you're even gonna take me back. But I hope you know, I'm so sorry. I've never felt love like how I felt it from you, not from my friends and especially not from my family. And I don't think I'll ever find love like that again. I don't want anyone else. All I want is you." Camilla puts her head down, running a hand through her hair as she begins to feel like she was getting emotional. It was rare when Montgomery would show his softer and more vulnerable side, and she couldn't help to feel guilty. He was pouring his heart and soul out to her and had no idea that for the past month and a half, she has been having casual sex with one of his best friend's. Montgomery could hear her sniffle quietly, knowing what he was saying was working. "Please look at me baby."

Camilla runs a hand over her face, before lifting it up and looking at the guy she could not stop loving for the life of her. She didn't understand the power he had over her, nor why she had fallen so fast and deeply for him.

"I know how I was acting in the past was wrong, but I swear it'll be different this time. I'll be less controlling, I'll spend more time with you, I'll love you harder, hell I'll even fuck you harder."

Camilla chuckles at the last part, shaking her head slightly at him still finding a way to make her laugh, and unknowingly playing right back into where he wanted her to be.

"Listen, Monty...." "Yes princess?" A smile finds its way onto her face, and a blush creeps onto her cheeks making her put her head down to compose herself, before looking back at him. "I want to give us another try." "Oh shit, really?" He perks up, a huge smile lay on his face, happy he got his way once again.

"BUT." "Oh God.." He mutters, his smile faltering but his eyes never leaving her.

"Everything you promised, I want to happen. I want you to be less controlling, I want you to spend way more time with me and that does include more dates and movie nights, I want you to love me way way harder and show that to everyone. And most of all, I wouldn't mind being fucked harder either. Oh and no more rumors about other girls. If I hear about other bitches again, me and you are done. Got it?"

Montgomery nods his head, a smirk on his face as he gets up walking over to her side of the table and taking a seat besides her.

"So we're back together?" "Yes baby, we are." Camilla responds, a smile making its way onto her face. "Great, so now I can do this." He begins, before putting a hand behind her head and pulling her in for a kiss, quickly turning into a make out session, ignoring all the eyes and looks they were receiving. They were back together, and now to them, nothing else mattered.

"Bryceee, put me down!" Camilla screamed, throwing her head back in laughter as Bryce carried her bridal style around the pool. "Throw her in! Throw her in!" Was being chanted from around them by their friends. A smug smirk was on Bryce's face while Camilla's mouth was formed in a O shape form as she looks around at her traitor friends. "Don't you dare Bryce." Camilla says in a non threatening form, tightening her arms as she loosely hung onto his neck.

Bryce doesn't respond, but looks at her with a devious smile, before nodding his head and easily throwing the small girl into the pool.

Camilla resurfaces, tugging her hair back and out of her face. "I'm gonna kill you Walker!" She yells, as sounds of laughter can be heard from their friends. Sounds of splashing can be heard as some begin to jump in, before Camilla feels arms snake around her waist. "Oh no you don't, Bryce." She says, turning around prepared to fight back this time, but being surprised to see her boyfriend.

"How was your dip in the pool?" He asks sarcastically, a smile on his face as he pulls her body closer to his, her legs wrapping around his waist. "Your best friend is an ass." She laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck, with his hands supporting her butt.

"I thought you looked pretty hot and needed to cool off." Montgomery shrugs, making Camilla smack his shirtless torso in realization. "You told him to throw me in! You're just as bad as him!"

Camilla pretends to be angry at him as she unwraps herself from him, not fooling Montgomery for a second.

"Oh stop, you love me." He responds, putting a wet strand of her hair behind her ear. "Plus, you look pretty hot when wet."

She rolls her eyes, a smile making its way onto her face. He gets closer to her, his face merely inches away from hers as his voice gets lower. "But I think I might be able to find a way to make you wetter."

She raises her eyebrows at him, before tilting her head to the side. "I would like to see it."

They both get out of the pool, making their way to Bryce's pool house bathroom. Camilla was in lead, holding Montgomery's hand as she pulls him along.

Before they could make it through the door, they get stopped by someone coming out carrying a case of beer. "Shit sorry." The voice says, making Camilla stop in her tracks. "Oh shit, what's up Dempsey?" Montgomery says from behind her, walking forward to give a fist bump but Zach's eyes not leaving Camilla and their held hands.

"What's going on?" Zach asks, making it sound like a general question but Camilla knew it was more so about them than anything else.

"Nothing man, we're just heading to the bathroom real quick. So if anyone asks, we left for a little."

Zach's eyes finally leave Camilla, now looking at Montgomery. "Yeah, man. I got you guys."

"Awesome, thanks buddy." Montgomery pats Zach's shoulder, before now taking lead and leading her to the bathroom, as she keeps her head down, trying to avoid eye contact with Zach.

He watches as they walk towards the bathroom, Montgomery letting Camilla walk in first before smacking her on the butt and looking back at Zach, noticing him still watching and sending him a wink, before closing the door.

Before  (Tape 9 Prequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon