Chapter Fifteen: End

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The school year was nearing its end. Finally.

It was like Camilla could practically feel the summer sun that will be shining down on her in no less than a month. She was looking forward to the late night hangouts with her friends, consisting of conversation, alcohol, weed, and good music.

What she hadn't been looking forward to however was her best friend leaving her. Jeff was heading to baseball camp, his love for the sport being stronger than anything else. Camilla was happy for him, and without a doubt supportive, but she couldn't help but be sad that he'd be leaving her. Sure, he would be back before the end of the summer and new school year starting, but two months away from her best friend was still too long.

Along with that problem, it seemed like her relationship started to become more troubled than usual. Montgomery rarely even stayed over anymore, because when he did there had to be an argument every couple of minutes over any and everything. It seemed that other than in public, Camilla just couldn't stand to be in his overbearing and more than controlling presence much longer. So instead, she chose to distract herself. Deciding to spend time with friends and help out at any chance she could get. This certain day being another one of the days she wanted to help out.

"I don't know about this." Tony anxiously says, looking around the hall before setting his eyes back on Ryan as he stood at his locker.

"Why?" Both Hannah and Camilla ask.

"I don't know, I mean, look at him. He's, like, staring at himself in the mirror." Tony responds, Camilla snickering and raising an eyebrow at him. "Like you don't use a mirror. How much pomade does it take you every morning to look like that?"

Tony tilts his head to the side, trying to hold back an eye roll as he glares at her. "That's not the point. The point is, we're too different." "Different is good, okay?" Camilla says, Hannah adding on. "Yeah, you know opposites attract and all that. Now go, do some attracting."

"No." Tony shakes his head, protesting. "Carpe diem. Seize the freaking day before it's too late!" Hannah says, both Camilla and Hannah giving him a push on the back to lend him support, which surprisingly works.

"Okay, okay. Seize the day. Seize the fucking day. Seize the day." Tony whispers to himself over and over, walking over to Ryan while still trying to muster up the strength to ask him out like planned.

Hannah and Camilla stare over at their interaction, Camilla's heart gushing that her two favorite gay friends were getting together, something she had been waiting for after seeing them flirting at the winter ball months ago. "Hey Han?" Camilla asks, Hannah not taking her eyes off the guys and responding "Yes, Cammy?" "You do know that 'Carpe diem' actually means 'pluck the day', right?" Hannah looks over at her, a grin being on her face as she lets out a chuckle, before looking back and seeing Tony happily walking over to them.

"If this backfires.." He points at both of them, then wrapping both arms over their shoulders. "I'm coming straight to both of you."

"Okay and we will be there for you always." Camilla grins at him happily, excited to see where Tony and Ryan relationship goes.

Bryce's end of the school year party had already started, and Camilla was late, per usual. Her phone was constantly being blown up by her friends, specifically Montgomery but she ignored it. She found it humorous that he decided to go to the party without her, but still repeatedly called and texted her to know where she was and what she was doing.

"Cammy, are you ready to go? I think we're late enough now." Jeff says, popping his head into her bedroom doorway with a bowl of cereal in his hand. He practically chokes on his apple jacks seeing his best friend's attire, widening his eyes in surprise. "What?" Camilla laughs, furrowing her eyebrows at his reaction to her. "Nothing." He shrugs, continuing. "If I knew me leaving would get you to dress like this, I would've left a long time ago, then came back, and left again, then came back, and left aga-" "Okay! Okay!" She laughs, walking over to him, taking the bowl from his hand and placing it on her dresser. "I look hot, I get it. Thank you, now let's go."

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