Chapter Eleven: Why Me?

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Camilla's fifth period had gone as it normally did, the class was boring, Justin was excitedly talking about a new girl and Camilla and Zach would give each other humorous glances every now and then because of Justin's story.

This particular day though, Camilla couldn't help but notice the glances Hannah had repeatedly sent over their way, specifically at Zach. It couldn't help but make her blood boil a little but she ignored it.

When the bell finally rang, everyone was quickly out their seats, with their backpacks on and out the door. Justin was the first of their group, and Camilla almost followed suite but stopped when she realized Zach was going slower than usual.

"You coming, Z?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowed a little as she stared at him in confusion. Usually Zach would be one of the first up and out the door.

Zach looked at her, and then took a glance around the empty room before responding. "Yeah, I just need to grab something real quick. Just meet me in the hallway." Camilla nods in responds, sending him a slight smile before walking out the classroom door, slightly brushing past Hannah as she stared into the class. Hannah and Camilla locked eyes for a second, but Camilla looked away quickly and made her way across the hall, still getting a peek inside the class to see what Zach was doing.

Both girls had watched as Zach reached his hand into one of the compliment bags they kept in their class, Camilla knowing it definitely wasn't Zach's due to her having the urge to giving him an anonymous compliment every now and then when he seemed to be feeling down.

As soon as Zach began walking towards the classroom door, a note suddenly in his hand, Hannah had tried to turn her head, trying make it not look obvious she was watching him.

Camilla and Zach lock eyes, and Camilla glances down at his hand holding the note, Zach immediately crushing it in his palm to not make it obvious he was hiding something.

"Alright, let's go." He says with a smile, Camilla pushing herself off the lockers and walking besides him down the hall. Camilla gets distracted by a friend saying hi and starting a conversation, stopping them both and her head turning away from Zach, finally giving him the chance to look at the note.

Hannah had put a note in her compliment bag specifically for Zach, knowing he has been taking compliments from her bag lately after their unfriendly encounter in the cafeteria. In the note she had poured her heart out, opening up about personal things that she hadn't had the courage to admit to anyone, how sad she had been since her and Cam stopped talking, how hard life was getting, how lonely she felt, and how the 'stupid' compliments had actually meant something to her.

Zach sighs, crumpling up the note and putting it in his pocket but from afar, Hannah had sworn she saw him throw it on the floor.

"Why me, Zach?!" Hannah suddenly yelled, causing everyone in the hall to stop talking and stare at her. "Why me?!" She yelled one last time, Camilla's head snapping in her direction and raising her eyebrows at her.

"Oh you got to be fucking kidding me." She humorlessly laughs, beginning to step towards Hannah.

Zach quickly grabs onto her hand, Camilla immediately freezing and looking down at their hands. "Please, don't." Zach says to her, her head turning up and making eye contact with him. She looks back at a desperate, sad looking Hannah, before huffing and facing back towards Zach, walking out the school doors hand in hand, only letting go when they reach the crowded parking lot.

'Are you still coming?' Camilla read the text on her phone, sighing as she closed it and leaned her head back down onto her boyfriends lap as he sipped his drink.

"Oh no, why are you sighing? I don't like when you sigh." Montgomery groans, looking down at his girlfriend as he began to run his hand through her hair. "Nothing, it's just.. Hannah said she wanted us to meet at Monet's to talk, and I told her I would meet her at 7."

"And it's 7:25, and you're at home watching a movie with your boyfriend instead." Montgomery continues for her, nodding his head. "Yeah." She mutters.

"And why aren't you meeting her, princess?"

"I don't know, there isn't much to say, I guess." "With Hannah Baker, there's always something to say." He chuckles, Camilla rolling her eyes but laughing along as she sits up and leans back against the couch now. "Stop stressing yourself out over her, the bitch isn't worth it."

"She's my friend, Monty." She argues back, biting on her lip as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, your friend that you just so happened to not talk to for weeks." "We're just not getting along right now. Friends can fight." Montgomery looks over at her, seeing her face had become serious and sighs. "Shit, I'm sorry babe. Come here." He opens up his arms, patiently waiting for her to give in and hug him. She does so, also climbing onto his lap in the process.

"Let me take your mind off it." He says lowly into her neck, beginning to place kisses.

"But-" "No buts, baby. Let me take care of you." She almost argues back but feels his hands get lower, massaging her through her sweatpants, making her immediately give in and moan, Hannah Baker going to the back of her mind.

"Want me to clear these?" Skye asks, taking Hannah's attention off her phone. "No, I'm waiting for someone." Hannah responded, still having some type of hope Camilla would still show up.

"Camilla?" Hannah glances up at her in confusion, wondering how she knew.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Skye shrugs in response. "I don't know, just a guess."

The girls remain silent, Hannah checking her phone again to see if Camilla had texted her yet, which she hadn't. "Just some word of advice." Skye begins, catching Hannah's attention again. "People like that, those jocks and cheerleaders that think that they're better than everyone else, they don't become friends with people like us."

Hannah's eyebrows furrow, staring at her weirdly. "Um, thanks?"

"No problem." Skye responds, walking back to the her spot behind the cash register.

Her words began to repeat in Hannah's mind. Maybe Skye was right. Maybe Camilla really wasn't her friend. Maybe Hannah really didn't have any friends, at all anymore.

Hannah picks up the napkin sitting on her table, taking out a pen and deciding to write out her feelings, not knowing how else she could express them.

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