Chapter Five: Meet The Parents

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"Hey Cam, can I talk to you for a sec?" Hannah says, interrupting her conversation with Bryce and Montgomery. Both guys stifle their laughter, finding it amusing that Camilla was still friends with the train wreck that was Hannah Baker. "Of course." She responds, turning back and telling the guys she was going to walk to class with Hannah instead.

"So I have a problem." Hannah starts. Camilla notices Hannah continuously looking around them, as if to make sure no one was watching them. "What's up?"

"I think there's someone outside my window." "What, like a burglar?" She asks surprised. Hannah never failed to have something new happening to her practically every week. "No, like, someone taking pictures."

"No. Way. Something interesting is always happening with you."

"I'm not sure 'interesting' is the first word that comes to mind. It's sort of awful." Hannah says, a little bit of attitude evident in her voice, making Camilla furrow her eyebrows at her, wondering where the attitude came from and why it was directed to her when Hannah was the one that wanted to talk in the first place.

"So where do I come in with all this?" "What do you mean?" Well, Hannah, you obviously told me for a reason. So what? You want to hatch a plan to do something about this 'awful' thing." Camilla asks in sarcasm.

"Actually, yeah. I wanted to know if you could sleepover and we could like, catch whoever is doing this. Honestly I think it might be this really creepy guy that lives at the end of the street, that walks around with umbrellas on perfectly sunny days."

Camilla sighs, the girls finally stepping inside of their class and taking two seats next to each other. "Yeah, Hannah. As great as that sounds, I actually am busy tonight. Monty is coming over and meeting my parents for the first time over dinner. I'd love to help but I really, really can't."

Hannah tries to hide her disappointment and frown, responding "oh, okay. Yeah, that's, that's fine. I hope the dinner goes well." She gives her the biggest smile she could muster, Camilla sending a small one in return.

"I feel like this is gonna go soo bad. Like I never get nervous over anything, and I am so fucking nervous right now babe." Montgomery's voice carries through the speaker phone, causing Camilla to chuckle as she changes her shirt for the seventh time. "You'll do fine, Monty. Just be yourself, and I promise they will fall in love with you like I did."

The phone goes silent for a second, Montgomery processing her words. "Fall in love? You're in love with me, Cam?"

Camilla's eyes go wide, realizing what she's accidentally said. She really was in love with Montgomery, as much as she hated to admit it. Even though they have been dating for a couple of months, she felt like it may have been too soon to say already, and didn't even know if Montgomery had felt the same about her.

"Um, text me when you get here. Bye." She says quickly, hanging the phone up before Montgomery could say anything back.

A few minutes have passed, Camilla spending them cursing herself out as she thinks about what she said, but her thoughts get cut off by the doorbell ringing.

She fixes her hair one last time before darting down the stairs, yelling to her parents "I got it!"

Her parents chuckle, watching her nervously fix her shirt, before opening the door. "Hey! I thought I told you to text me when you're here." She says, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I like the element of surprise, princess. And I wanted to make sure you didn't see these." He said, bringing a small bear and flowers from behind his back. Camilla's eyes widen, definitely being surprised at his gift.

"Wha-what's this for?" "Well the bear is for you, and the flowers are for Mama Anderson. I just wanna make a good first impression, y'know?"

Camilla smiles, giving him a longer kiss this time on lips, then being cut off by someone clearing their throat behind them. 

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