Chapter Seven: Winter Formal

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Camilla walks into the dance excitedly with her boyfriend's arm around her waist. Her and her group of friends were ready to have some fun.

She didn't like lying to Hannah, but knew trying to add her into her clique, was something that would never happen. The guys would never leave her alone, and she probably would even be seen as more of a slut than she already was seen as. There was nothing wrong with guys and girls being friends, but at Liberty High, everyone always tried to make something more out of nothing. 

The group had dispersed not even seconds in and Montgomery had left her to look for some of them. Luckily, Camilla was left with Jessica. The girls talked and laughed at the people who were struggling to dance to the upbeat song, when Alex approaches them. "Hey Camilla, hey Jess." "Hello Alex Stand Tall" Camilla jokes causing Jessica to smile a little. "Ha ha ha." Alex rolls his eyes sarcastically, with a smile and turns to look at Jessica. Camilla could sense the tension between them so she slowly walks away, saying she's going to look for her boyfriend.

Instead of finding her boyfriend though, she bumps into someone, who was very tall. "Oh shit, I'm sorry." She says, looking up at the guy and immediately smiling at the realization of who it was. "It's fine, Cam." Zach responds, trying to keep himself from checking her out.

"You look great, by the way." He adds, causing Camilla to blush a little.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Dempsey. You clean up nice." She poked his shoulder, a shy smile finding its way on his lips. "Thanks, y'know I try."

Their conversation is cut short when Zach's date steals him away, not before giving Camilla a death glare and rolling her eyes at her, causing Camilla and Zach to snicker.

She stood alone, but not even a minute later Montgomery had appeared behind her dancing, and making her laugh as he hugged her from behind in effort to get her to dance also while kissing her neck. "You look beautiful." Montgomery says in awe, while spinning her in a circle, and checking his girlfriend out. "That's the fourth time you said that tonight, Monty" Camilla jokingly rolls her eyes before turning around and putting her arms on his shoulders. "And I will continue to say it all night." Montgomery says, kissing Camilla over and over causing her to laugh. "Alright alright!" 

Camilla looks to where her friend and Alex were standing to check on her and saw Justin now standing there which made her happy that Alex had left her alone.

Camilla looked towards Hannah, smiling as she watches her dancing and laughing with Courtney Crimson. She was glad to see she found someone to go to the dance with after all.

Her smile dropped, seeing Bryce come over to them, bothering them. She knew what the jocks and her friends were saying and that they also thought the two girls kissing in the picture was Hannah and Courtney. 

She glances onto the bleachers, noticing a familiar and illuminating smile that shined bright even with all the dark blue lights surrounding the gym. 

Camilla tells her boyfriend she'll be right back as she walks to the bleachers. She catches Zach's eye, sending him a wink while his date wasn't looking causing him to smile big.

 She makes it the bleachers, using the railing to help her up the stairs and sits next to her best friend and Clay. "Hello Jeff." Camilla greets as she sits. "Hey Cam, you sure look extravagant tonight. Here with your boyfriend I assume?" Jeff replies while casually putting an arm on Camilla's shoulders. "I sure am." Camilla smiles while leaning forward to look at the boy next to him. "Hey Clay."

Clay gives the girl a shy smile and wave, always becoming a little nervous when Camilla decides to speak to him.

 "I am trying to convince Clay to go dance with Hannah." 

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