Chapter Eight: Dollar Valentines

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"Sheri, I am so sorry, but those heart's look like butts." Jessica says, both her and Camilla taking their heart shaped glasses off and peeking over at the terribly drawn and cut out heart that Sheri was doing.

All the cheerleaders burst out in laughter, Sheri scoffing and smiling. "Well I'm sorry, not everyone's hearts can come out as perfect as Cam's."

Camilla smiles, holding the heart she had drawn and cut out proudly over her head, sticking a tongue out at Sheri in the process making her laugh. "But all jokes aside, I really hope this dollar valentine shit works out. We need the money for cheer camp so badly, and at this point we're desperate."

"Maybe if this doesn't work out we can start hooking." One of the girls says from the end of the table, Camilla and Jessica giving each other a weird look before putting on their heart shaped glasses that added onto their bitchy personas, and Jessica responding with a laugh. "Yeah, definitely not that desperate."

All the girls go into their little conversations as they continue to make the decorations for the gym.

"Maybe you should fill out a survey." Jessica suggests to Camilla, nudging her a little.

Camilla furrows her eyebrows and looks at her friend with a smile. "I already have a man, honey." They both laugh, Jessica still urging her. "Yeah, but I still think you should do it. You know, maybe you could possibly find out someone else is more perfect for you than Montgomery."

In all honesty, Jessica wasn't a big fan of her friend's boyfriend. He was one of the biggest assholes and bullies at Liberty High, and no matter how much she tried to hide it, Montgomery had his tendencies to take his anger out on her, sporting some bruises here and there to prove it.

"You know what? I'll do it. But you gotta do it too." Camilla finally agrees, thinking that since Montgomery was perfect for her he would have to be number one on her list and she could prove Jessica wrong.

"Deal." Jessica replies, the girls over exaggeratedly shaking hands filled with glitter and glue.

"It's wrong? Seriously? I googled everything." Jeff says in disbelief to Clay, wondering how on earth his essay wasn't right even with the help from the internet. 

"Well the Founding Fathers did grow and use hemp.. but it wasn't weed, exactly." "Those are different?" "Yeah.. so James Madison probably wasn't a mad stoner." Clay says, but still tries to encourage him and tells him it was a good attempt. 

Camilla overhears, her finally taking a break from helping the team with the dollar valentine's and taking a stroll through the library, noticing her best friend and Clay just so happening to be doing one of their tutoring sessions. She comes over laughing, sitting next to Jeff and shaking her head at him. "Really Jeff? You thought our Founding Fathers grew weed?" 

"Not me! It was Google!" Jeff tries to defend himself, which only causes Camilla to laugh harder. "Sup Clay." She greets, her laughter finally dying down. "Hey Cam" Clay responds, watching her as she fixes her cheer uniform and her ponytail, Jeff noticing and squinting his eyes at him with a smirk on his face. Clay senses Jeff's eyes on him, and looks back down at the paper, continuing. "Sometimes actual books are more reliable for this kinda stuff."

"Sometimes?" Camilla laughs again.

 "Right, right. Good point" Jeff says while looking over the papers Clay gave back to him, being completely clueless. Camilla looks at her phone while she scrolls and zones out of the boys conversation that now included Tony that sat at the table behind them. 

 "What are you working on?" She hears Jeff ask Clay. "Oh, nothing. It's nothing." She hears Clay quickly say, as she looks up and she could see him trying to hide something.

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