Chapter Ten: Lies

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After their altercation, Camilla and Hannah didn't speak for days. There were times in the hall or in class when Hannah would try to catch her eye and give her a smile, feeling bad for how she yelled at Zach and knew Camilla was just trying to be a good friend, but Camilla didn't care to send a smile back, or even a friendly glance.

Zach had also been quieter than usual, his friends noticing and taunting him about it whenever Camilla wasn't around, because when she was she was quick to yell and turn defensive so Zach would be left alone.

Camilla had been seen as more of a badass of some sorts after confronting Hannah. People saying that Montgomery was starting to get to the once sweet girl and turn her into a girl version of him, something nobody wanted because one Montgomery was enough at Liberty High.

"Cam, why won't you just talk to me about it?" Jeff asks, trying to figure out what caused Camilla to snap that day in the cafeteria at Hannah. He wasn't in the cafeteria at that time, but was told by many about his best friend's threatening words in dramatic recreations, and it worried him. His sweet best friend never acted like that before.

"Just drop it, Jeff." Camilla rolls her eyes, finally making it to her locker. Jeff continues to ask, now starting to make Camilla feel like she was going to explode in anger. "I just don't get why you would threaten her like that, Cam. I mean I know Zach is your friend, but so was Hannah. Is there something going on with Zach I don't know about?"

Camilla sighs, sticking her hand in her locker, looking for the small folded piece of paper she hid inside. "Cam?" "Shut up, Jeff." She responds, finally pulling out the pink piece of paper and handing it to him. He looks at her curiously, being left in the dark about her filling out a dollar valentines survey.

He reads her results carefully, jaw slightly dropping at the list.

"Me and Zach came before Monty?" Camilla doesn't respond, only glancing at him as he tries to hide a smile. "I don't wanna say I told you so, but.." "Shut. Up." Camilla says, grabbing the paper back from his hand and folding it back up before stuffing it back into her locker.

Jeff had been one of many supporting the Zach and Camilla ship. Even though Jeff tried to like Montgomery for the sake of his best friend's relationship with him, he had hoped she would've dated someone who had a better connection with her, like Zach or Jeff himself.

"So are you finally discovering your feelings for Zach? Is that why you yelled at Hannah like that?" He asks, putting a hand on her arm, now beginning to understand. "No, Jeff. I just.. want him to be happy." Camilla glances down at Jeff's hand on her, sighing.

Usually Camilla would let Jeff comfort her, and she usually loved feeling her friends warm and comfortable hands on her, but lately she hasn't been feeling like her self anymore. From the situation with Hannah, to the sudden feelings or whatever it was she felt with Zach, to the rumors she's been hearing about Montgomery and other girls, it was all becoming too much. She shrugs Jeff's hand off of her, looking up and seeing hurt clear on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asks, getting no response in return. She wasn't ready to talk about the rumors with Jeff, knowing he would immediately want to confront Montgomery and with Montgomery's record of confrontations, it surely wouldn't end well.

"Why won't you talk to me anymore, Cammy? We're best friends."

Camilla bites her lip, looking down at the floor. She felt bad, knowing she was pushing her best friend away. But she just wanted to be left alone and ignore her problems, and Jeff was being super persistent. "Just leave me alone, Jeffery."

He sighs, shaking his head as he begins to walk backwards away from her. "Call me when you want to talk, I guess. Or whenever your boyfriend doesn't feel like talking to you and you want to use me to not feel alone, again."

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