Chapter Six: Two Girls Kissing

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"So he actually said the L word?" Jeff asks excitedly, smiling widely at his friend. "Yes! I'm still freaking out about it, like he really said it. I wasn't imagining it, and it wasn't a dream."

"I still can't believe mama and papa Anderson let him sleep over. That still blows my mind." He says, waving to some friends as he and Camilla continued their stroll down the hall. Sniffles could be heard coming towards them, causing both of them to look around the hall curiously, before noticing Courtney Crimsen's small figure approaching them, then brushing past them with tears streaming down her face.

"Was it just me, or was Miss perfect just crying?" Camilla asks, both of them stopping in their tracks and taking a couple steps back, noticing her talking, more like yelling, at Hannah at her locker.

"Since when are they friends?" Jeff asks. "Hm, I don't know." Camilla trails off, wondering the same.

"What did you do?" Courtney cries out to Hannah, causing her to look at her confused. "Whoa, what's wrong?"

Courtney opens up her phone, revealing a picture of them kissing, from the night before.

When Camilla had turned down Hannah's offer to catching whoever it was stalking her, she had turned to Courtney. They never really talked before, but when Courtney sensed Hannah's restlessness and noticed something had been bothering her, Hannah had revealed to her what has been going on with her stalker, and her plan on catching the person but having no one to do it with.

This interested Courtney, and she quickly agreed to help out. The night had gone well, and since Hannah's parents had left for date night, they were left alone, and left to do what teenage girls do. They drank. A lot.

The drinking turned into truth or dare, and truth or dare turned into the two girls kissing.

The stalker with the camera which turned out to be yearbook editor Tyler Down, capturing the whole thing.

They found out, and Hannah confronted him. He gave her the pictures back, without letting her know he had kept some for himself on his phone. And for some odd reason, he felt it was the perfect timing to ask Hannah out on a date. Hannah, of course, said no. And in retaliation he sent the picture of them kissing around the school.

Hannah stared at the picture in confusion, thinking she had handled the situation already. "I-I talked to Tyler this morning. He told me he got rid of all of them."

"Well, he lied. He group texted half the school."

"Courtney, it's fine. No one can tell it's us, it's just a stupid picture."

"C'mon, Hannah. You of all people know what a picture could do a person's life."

Hannah scoffs, the tears staring to fill up in her eyes and her lips began to tremble. "Me of all people?"

"What do you think they're talking about?" Jeff asks, trying to look like he wasn't staring at them as they talked but actually made it look super obvious. "Jeff, look at this." Camilla says with wide eyes. She had been sent a picture in a group text, of two girls kissing. Two girls that closely resembled the two girls speaking a couple of feet away from them.

She handed Jeff the phone, letting him examine it. Courtney had felt the eyes on her, and looked directly at Camilla. Wiping her tears away, her face turned into a scowl. "What the hell are you looking at?"

Camilla's eyebrows raised, not expecting Courtney to boldly speak to her like that.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Camilla steps forward, dropping her bag. "Oh no you don't." Jeff said quickly, grabbing onto her upper arm and tugging her back while simultaneously picking her bag up from the floor, and pulling her away from the girls.

"Well, you definitely are the female version of Monty." Jeff laughs, trying to lighten the mood as he puts his arm around her shoulders. Camilla rolls her eyes, but can't help but laugh at the true statement.

"Who do you think it is?" A girl named Cassie asked her friend Marissa. Both girls glanced at a girl named Laura in the back of the class, her hair cut very short and her clothing more boyish than the other girls at Liberty High. "Duh." Marissa said, motioning to her with her eyes.

"I don't think so. I have gym with her, and she only wears sports bras." Cassie says, not so quietly and catching the attention of Laura.

"Maybe I save my nice shit for after hours." She calls out to the girls in front, both girls becoming embarrassed.

Bryce, Montgomery and Marcus sat next to her, bursting out in laughter from her response.

"Damn, girl. You are slick!" Bryce smirks, then getting a little closer to her with his eyebrow raised. "Listen, Laura, if you ever want to swing the other way..."

"You'd be the last person I called. Right before the police." She responded, looking back at Bryce as Montgomery and Marcus died of laughter behind him.

She notices Montgomery, a smirk appearing on her face also. "Oh and Monty, if you and Camilla don't work out, tell her to give me a call."

Now it was Bryce's turn to burst out in laughter, Marcus following along and Montgomery stays quiet, an annoyed look on his face.

Over the course of the next couple of days, the photo was all anyone talked about. Besides the upcoming winter formal of course. Camilla and Jessica had spent days planning on what to wear, how to do their makeup, and how to do their hair.

Camilla and Hannah haven't talked. Camilla thinking it was best if she kept her distance from the always surrounded by rumors and drama Hannah Baker.

But one day, while Camilla was at her locker alone getting ready to go to cheer practice, Hannah had caught up to her. "Hey Cam, haven't seen you in a while." Hannah said, giving her a large smile. Camilla glances at her for a second, giving her a small smile back before closing her locker. "What's up, Han?"

She began walking, not really caring if Hannah followed or not.

"So, about the dance. I know this is probably a, strange, question but I was wondering if I could go with you and Monty, so you know I'm not going alone and looking completely like a loser."

Camilla raised her eyebrow, looking over at Hannah. She knew for a fact that Montgomery would not want Hannah to tag along, and might even be embarrassed. She knew she had to let Hannah down, gently.

"Listen, Hannah, Monty actually wants us to go alone, like as a couple. We're not even meeting our other friends before we go, we're just going by ourselves." Hannah had sensed Camilla was lying, but decided not to press her about it. "Oh okay, that's fine. I'll just, see you there then?"

"Of course. Save me a dance, Baker." She winked at her, before disappearing into the girls locker room to change.

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