Chapter 17

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Katherine was sitting on the curb with Lisa when they saw the bright yellow and blue lights shooting out from the top of the house. They stood up and rejoined their sisters who had also turned to look into the sky. 'Holy crap.' Kate said.

'Amy, you still feel her right?' Dani asked as they watched the window frames fall from the bottom floor, and the porch cave in towards the basement. Amy closed her eyes and focused. They opened a moment later.

'No, I can't feel her any more.' Amy said, panicked.

'Let's go then.' Lauren said, moving towards the house as the energies disappeared.

'Christina said not to go back.' Kate reminded them.

'We tend to out vote Christina a lot.' Lisa confirmed as she followed Lauren and the others towards the house. Kate and Lucy were also close behind. Lauren stepped on a piece of wood when she reached the destroyed porch and it slipped form under her, Dani catching her arm before she could hit the floor.

'Thanks.' Lauren said gratefully. 'Guys, be really careful.' She called back. They moved slowly through the house. Half of the first floor had collapsed down into the basement and there was a hole stretching all of the way up and through the roof.

'You think they survived that?' Lucy asked, looking around at the destruction.

'Whatever the hell that was.' Kate said.

'It's what happens when two powerful energies collide when they aren't supposed to. Christina knew that, she probably wanted it to happen.'

'Why? That's a crazy idea.' Lucy asked.

'She's not as powerful as Natalie and she knows it. She wouldn't have been able to last very long if the fight kept going.' Dani said. 'Damn it, we shouldn't have left her.'

'Wait.' Amy said, stopping suddenly.

'What is it Aimes?' Katherine asked.

'I can feel her again.' Amy smiled.

'Seriously?' Lisa asked.

'She's pretty hurt but I can feel her. It's strange, she keeps cutting out.'

'Where is she?' Dani asked. 'Lauren?' Lauren closed her eyes and focused on Christina. She pointed to the corner of the room, just behind them.

'She's somewhere over there.' Lauren said, waving her hand in the general area.

'Buried under the rubble you mean.' Kate said.

'Come on.' Katherine moved carefully to the back of the room and started moving bits of floor and ceiling. 'Christina!' She called.

'Chris!' Amy had started moving things about five feet away with Lauren's help.

'We need to find Natalie.' Lucy said to Kate. Lisa overheard this and turned to them.

'Go, find her. But don't do anything until you come get us.' Lisa told them.

'Thank you.' Kate said as she and Lucy went to search for their sister.

'Christina!' Dani yelled. 'If you don't answer me I won't do any homework for the whole of next term.'

'Chris!' Lauren added. 'She means it!' They moved a large plank of wood from in front of them and were met with a large hole. It wasn't deep, just wide. They looked down into it and saw a blue light flickering on and off.

'What does that look like to you Dani?' Lauren asked.

'It's Chris' power. Her shield.' Dani said. 'Guys, we found her!' They all gathered and looked down.

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