Chapter 3

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Christina was sitting at the kitchen table again that evening reading through more of the files from her new case. Katherine came in a moment later to put some cups in the dishwasher when she saw her. 'It's late Chris.' She told her.

'I know.' Christina said.

'Are you still reading about your case?' Katherine asked.

'Yeah, there's a lot of reports to go through. It's easier to do it now because it's quiet.' Christina smiled at her, putting her pen down.

'That's very true.' Katherine smiled. 'I'll leave you too it then, but don't stay up too late.' Katherine started to leave the room when Christina stopped her.

'Hey Kath?' She started, causing her sister to turn around.

'Yeah?' Katherine replied. 'What is it?' She asked when she saw the look on Christina's face.

'How would you feel if I decided to move out? And get my own place.' Christina asked. She saw the look on Katherine's face and assured her that she wasn't moving out any time soon. 'It's just a hypothetical question.'

'It doesn't have anything to do with that guy you met last month does it?' Katherine asked. 'I know you've been hanging out a lot.'

'We're not there yet Kath, trust me. And I work with him so it might get a bit weird. He just got me thinking about it, that's all.' Christina said. 'I'm nearly thirty Kath, I can't live with my baby sisters forever.'

'You know we're stronger when we're here, together. The one thing mum always told us was to stick together.' Katherine reminded her.

'I wouldn't go far.' Christina told her.

'Honestly, I wouldn't want you to go at all.' Katherine smiled. 'But you are an adult, and I get where you're coming from. I've often dreamt about having my own bathroom.' Katherine sighed. 

'I want kids some day Kath, I know you do too.' Christina said. 'They won't all fit in this house.'

'They might when they're little.' Katherine grinned. Christina laughed at her.

'Seriously, just think about it.' Christina said. 'I promise I won't decide anything until we talk about it again but I wanted you to know that I'm considering it.'

'I know, and it's okay.' Katherine assured her. 'Whatever you decide we will support it.'

'Thanks.' Christina said. 'But don't tell the others yet, not until I've decided for sure.'

'My lips are sealed.' Katherine promised.


Dani walked into the kitchen the next morning and saw the reports Christina had left on the table. She was very tempted to take a peek but she knew Christina would find out. So she resisted the urge and poured herself a cup of coffee instead. Lauren walked in a few moments later and put on the small kitchen television, making sure the news was loud enough to hear from the table where she sat down. 'Do you want some coffee Laur?' Dani asked.

'Please.' Lauren said.

'Seen anything that could be our demon?' Dani asked, putting a mug in front of Lauren and joining her at the table.

'No, nothing yet. Are we sure this is demonic?' Lauren asked.

'Well the guy said the latin name of a demon we know of, and he did some pretty horrific things to his own family.'

'I know, but it just seems like Christina wants this to be a demon and not just a crazy guy who knows Latin.'

'Maybe she does, can't really blame her.' Dani said, sipping her coffee. 'There's no harm keeping an eye out just in case. But we will talk to her.'

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