Chapter 11

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'Do you feel okay Dani?' Katherine asked as she wiped the blood off of her sisters face.

'Yeah I feel fine now.' Dani confirmed. 'He just completely took me over.'

'How did you know it was him?' Amy asked Christina.

'I read more of the police reports and they said the guy was bleeding from his eyes.' Christina told them.

'He was messing around in my brain.' Dani said, putting her head in her hands.

'He was looking for the spell so Natalie must have sent him.' Lisa said.

'How does she even know him?' Lauren wondered just as Christina's phone began to ring. She looked at the phone and saw the number was withheld. She looked to her sisters before answering, putting it on speaker phone.

'Hello.' She answered.

'Christina, nice to hear your voice.' Natalie said. 'I'm actually glad I didn't kill you last night.'

'You lost the fight Natalie, get over it.' Christina reminded her. 'I hope you thought long and hard about what you're doing on your walk back through the forest.'

'That was a good move, I'll give you that. But unfortunately your little sister isn't as strong as you. Her mind had all of the information we needed.' Dani's head fell in disappointment.

'How do you know the Mind Breaker?' Christina asked.

'Oh Max? We go way back. We dated for a little while.' Natalie said.

'He's a demon.' Christina said.

'That's a rude thing to say.' Natalie protested. 'We got on really well, he made me smile.' Lauren made a crazy gesture with her hands.

'Why are you calling me?' Christina asked.

'I just wanted to let you know that, now we have the spell, we'll be leaving you alone.' Natalie said. 'So you can take your barrier down and forget all about us.' Christina looked around at her sisters, Katherine nodding her agreement.

'Yeah, that's not going to happen.' Christina said. 'We can't let you use that spell.'

'I was afraid you'd say that.' Natalie sighed. 'We could have been great friends Christina.' She said before hanging up the phone.

'Now what?' Amy asked.

'We need some of her blood.' Christina said.

'Guys I'm sorry.' Dani said, rubbing her eyes.

'It's not your fault Dan.' Katherine assured her. 'She could have sent Max after any of us.'

'Well she didn't, she sent him after me, so I must be the weak link.' She said frustratingly.

'You're not the weak link.' Lisa said, rubbing her shoulder.

'You're the youngest.' Christina said. 'Only reason she picked you. That's how her hierarchy works. She equates youth with inexperience.'

'Regardless.' Katherine moved on the conversation. 'We need a new plan.'

'Why don't I make the potion so that it's ready for when we have her blood to add?' Lisa suggested.

'Good idea.' Lauren said. 'Dani and I can help.' She offered.

'Why don't I call the hospital?' Amy said. 'See if she's had any blood tests recently. If they're local I might be able to get a vial and owe a few favours.'

'That's a great idea Aimes.' Christina said. 'You do that and Kath and I can work on plan b.'


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