Chapter 4

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Christina was first up the next morning, making coffee and checking out the burn marks on the floor of their kitchen. Dani came in shortly after and saw her sitting on the floor. 'You know we have chairs?' She said.

'Yes Danielle, I am aware.' Christina smiled, getting up and finishing the coffee. 'Want one?'

'No, I'm trying to cut back.' Dani said.

'Since when?' Christina asked.

'Since now I guess.' She said as the others filed in to the kitchen.

'Well, we all look like we got loads of sleep.' Lisa said sarcastically, sitting and resting her head on the counter.

'It's still raining.' Amy said, looking out of the window. Christina was pouring several cups of coffee and handing them round. Amy came and joined them at the table, sitting next to Lauren who looked like she wasn't fully there yet.

'What are we going to do about Kate?' Katherine wondered as she played with her mug.

'Do we know their surname?' Christina asked.

'I think their mail box says Barnes.' Lisa said.

'If they are witches then mum might have heard of them. We could ask her?' Christina suggested.

'It's somewhere to start.' Amy said. 'Lisa can you do the spell?'

'Yeah I'll go set up.' She said, standing from her seat. 'Come up in like five minutes.' She said.

'Do you think they're more likely to be other witches? I mean, I've never met one outside of this family.' Dani said.

'Well they aren't in the book, so either they're demons no one has faced or they're witches.' Christina said. 'The question is, if they are witches, why are they here?'

'Most witch covens like to keep to themselves.' Katherine said. 'From the little research I've done on them, there aren't that many around and they stay secluded to stay safe. It doesn't make sense unless they're here for a reason.'

'Well, let's go find out.' Lauren said, hauling herself from her chair and leading them up to the spell room.


They were sitting around the table as Lisa finished the spell to contact their mother. After a few moments a light wind blew through the room and she appeared by the windows. Katherine and Amy turned to face her, smiling. 'Hey mum.' Katherine said.

'Hi girls.' Michelle grinned. 'What do I owe the pleasure?'

'We have some new neighbours who are either demons or witches.' Dani said, getting right to the point.

'We wanted to know if you'd ever heard of a coven with the name Barnes?' Lisa asked. Their mother thought back.

'Hmm, Barnes.' She started pacing around. 'Nothing comes to mind.'

'They're three sisters, Natalie, Lucy and Kate. By their ages I guess their mother would have been around when you were younger.' Amy said.

'What do they look like?' Michelle asked.

'Blonde, pretty.' Lauren told her. 'I guess Natalie is tall, the other two are about Lisa's height. They all have blue eyes, like really blue.' Michelle smiled.

'I know who you're talking about.' Michelle shook her head. 'Sandra Miller, Sandy as I used to call her. Eyes as blue as the sky on a sunny day. I didn't know she had children though, we lost touch when we were teenagers. She must have married or the girls took their fathers name.'

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