Chapter 1

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Three months had passed since the Cimorelli sisters defeated Abaddon. They were grateful for the length of time without any demons and their daily routines had fallen back into place. Dani and Lauren were on break from school for the summer, Katherine was too but she still had lots of work to get on with whilst her kids were enjoying their holidays. Lisa's business had picked up some steam, which was good for her but not for her clients, which meant she was out of the house a lot more. Amy was taking on more shifts at the hospital and was volunteering at a local home for the elderly. Christina was happy to be back at work for a steady period of time and her case load was just about at capacity. Thankfully the blue streak in her hair had faded. She was very glad she didn't have to explain that to her coworkers. A new case had arrived on her desk that morning and she was eager to jump into it. She had taken the file home with her to read through, and was sitting in the kitchen about to begin, when Dani and Lauren came into the room. 'What are you guys up to?' Christina asked as Lauren took an apple from the fruit bowl.

'Nothing much. We just saw a moving van outside, looks like we finally have new neighbours.' Dani said, sitting on the chair next to Christina. She tried to flip open Christina's files but was quickly shut down.

'I don't think so Dan.' Christina tucked the files away in her bag.

'Oh, come on.' Dani said. 'After everything we've been through, you still won't let me look?'

'No, these files are confidential.' Christina said.

'You tell us about some of your cases.' Lauren reminded her.

'I tell you what I can, I don't tell you everything.' Christina said.

'Okay, so what's this one?' Dani persisted. Christina sighed, knowing they weren't going to give up until she told them something.

'Murder. A guy killed his wife and kid whilst they were playing in the family room. Claimed the devil made him do it.' Christina said.

'No way, you're lying.' Dani said.

'Trust me, I wish I was.' Christina said. 'He said in the statement he gave to police that he heard someone in his head telling him to kill people.'

'That's insane.' Lauren said, taking a bite of her apple.

'Yes it is.' Christina agreed. 'What were you saying about new neighbours?'

'Just saw the truck, didn't see the people.' Dani said.

'Right, well I have work to do so you need to leave.' Christina said.

'But we're bored.' Lauren said.

'I don't care. You're old enough to entertain yourselves. Now go.' Christina ordered.

'Fine.' Lauren sighed. 'Let's go see what Kath's doing.' She said, Dani leading the way from the room.


Lisa was walking up the stairs to their house when she heard car doors close. She turned around and saw three women get out of a car and head into the house opposite theirs. They were similar in appearance, one slightly taller than the other two, but Lisa could tell they were related. She headed into the house and saw Katherine sitting in the living room trying to work on a lesson plan with Dani and Lauren buzzing around her. 'What's up guys?' Lisa said, putting her keys in the bowl on the side.

'Oh thank God, Lisa please make them go away.' Katherine said, head in hands.

'School has been out for like two days and you're already annoying people.' Lisa said accusingly.

'We're bored!' Dani said this time.

'Come and help me with the dinner then, let Kath do her work.' Lisa suggested.

'Okay, but we'll have to kick Christina out of the kitchen.' Lauren said.

'She's home? I thought she'd still be at the office.' Lisa said.

'She brought a case home with her, seems like a bad one.' Dani told them.

'It is a bad one.' Christina said, walking back into the room. She had a file in her hand.

'What's wrong?' Katherine saw the look on her face.

'We need to talk about this case. I think there's something really demonic about it.' Christina sat down on the sofa, Lisa coming to join her.

'Shouldn't we wait for Amy?' Lauren suggested.

'No, she has a late shift. I'm picking her up at midnight.' Katherine told them.

'Okay, what is it Chris?' Lisa prompted.

'So this guy walks into his house one afternoon and shoots his wife and their seven year old son to death.' Christina told them, Katherine putting her hand over her mouth.

'That's horrible.' Katherine whispered after she composed herself.

'The police find him sitting cross legged in the middle of the room with the bodies of his family still there. But he tells them that the devil made him do it.'

'He sounds mentally unstable if you ask me.' Lisa said.

'That's what I thought initially. He would probably get sentenced to a psychiatric facility for the criminally insane.' She told them.

'So what changed your mind?' Lauren asked.

'In his statement to the police, he repeats the same two words over and over. 'Mens ruptor.''

'Mens ruptor?' Katherine racked her brain. 'That's Latin.'

'Correct, it means mind breaker.' Christina said.

'What does that have to do with anything? He still sounds crazy.' Lisa said.

'Dani, Lauren does that sound familiar to you?' Christina looked at them.

'Yeah, it does.' Dani said. 'Hang on.' She said, getting up to get their spell book. She came back down the stairs quickly with the large book in her hands. After a few moments of flipping through it she stopped on a page and read aloud. 'Max Quinn, also known as the Mind Breaker.' She looked up at Christina.

'You think this demon got into his mind and made him kill his family?' Katherine wanted to clarify.

'Yes, I do.' Christina said firmly. 'I'm still going to have to proceed like this is a regular case, but if there is a demon out there doing this we need to stop him.'

'What else does the book say about him Dani?' Lisa asked.

'Max Quinn is one of the Quinn brothers. One turned good and one turned evil. They have the same powers of mind control and, when used for evil, can influence people to turn on others or themselves by committing heinous acts. These include murder, suicide, mass destruction.'

'It says that Elliot, the good brother, was killed by Max when they fought. The younger brother couldn't bring himself to use his powers against Max so Max made him step off of the Link bridge downtown. He died instantly when he hit the ground below.' Lauren added.

'He sounds charming.' Lisa said.

'We need to find him and stop him.' Christina said.

'I agree but how do we find him? If this is even him.' Katherine asked.

'I thought I could try scrying for him, it worked when we needed to find Jack.' Christina said.

'Yeah but you'd been hit with one of his energy balls.' Lauren reminded her. 'You don't have anything from this guy.'

'I have to try.' Christina said. 'And can you guys keep an eye on the news for any similar reports?'

'We can do that.' Dani confirmed. 

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