Chapter 8 - A Bad Person

Start from the beginning

He stood beside her, and leant against the same tree. "Ok, I'll go fetch him home tomorrow, as long as you start to cheer up."

Casie's face broke into a grin. She threw her arms around him, and hugged him.

"Oh thank you Arthur, I do love you."

He smiled, "Yeah I know, now come on. I've gotta meet Marston in town for a job, and I could use some company. You up for it?"

She smiled, "course I am!"

The pair mounted up, and headed off to Valentine.

John Marston was standing by the livestock pen, as they rode in. Casie had seen him around camp, but hadn't really had that much to do with him. He spent a lot of time with his family, Abigail and Jack. She hadn't really had much to do with them either. She couldn't make out if Arthur liked him much, or not.

John Marston looked at Casie, then at Arthur, and frowned. "What's she doin' here?" He moaned.

Arthur glared at him, "no need to be an arsehole!" He scowled. "I like riding with Casie, so that's why she's here."

John got on his horse, and without looking at either of them muttered, "whatever."

"What are we doin' anyway?" Arthur asked.

"We've got to pick up something first."

John continued, "Its a rifle from the gunsmith. You're little sidekick might as well go and get it, she can make herself useful, rather than being your shadow."

Arthur shook his head, and looked at Casie, "Casie, honey. Will you go and pick up the rifle from the gunsmith for me. I need to have a quiet word with Marston here?" He asked.

Casie smiled, "sure Arthur, shall I meet you back here?"

Arthur nodded "We'll wait for you."

Once Casie had headed off, Arthur glared at John,

"what is your problem with Casie, and why do you have to be such an arsehole?" he snarled.

"Since when did you turn into a baby sitter?" he mumbled. "This ain't a job for a kid."

Arthur sighed." If anyone is acting like a kid, its you. Dutch wants me to show Casie the ropes, and I'm more than happy to do it, and to ride with her. If you don't want her along, we'll both hit the breeze."

"OK, OK." he grunted.

Both men waited for Casie to return from the gunsmith. They didn't have to wait long.

When she came riding back she had a rifle, with a sight, slung over her shoulder.

John looked at Casie, with a half smile "Thanks for getting the rifle, I had a bit of a fallout with the gunsmith."

Casie was about to give the rifle to John, but he held his hand up, "no, give it to Arthur," he said, "he's the better shot."

Casie passed the rifle to Arthur, "what are we shooting?"

John sighed, without answering.

"C'mon" He said, as he kicked his horse on.

Arthur, and Casie followed John.

"Well what are we shooting? It was a fair question." Arthur grumbled.

"We ain't shooting anything," John sneered, "we just need to put a couple of warning shots above the cowboys that are herding the sheep. They should high tail it out of there, then we can take the sheep."

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