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Heehee so remember when I said my Math/Science/Elective teacher said she doesn't like One Direction????? Yeah so this morning. Me and my friend told her she needs to hear this one song (aka fireproof) and she's like "It better not be any One Direction song" and im like (crossing my fingers) "its not".

So then after school came and i'm like "MS. CASEY (pronounced KC) LISTEN TO THE SONG!!1!1!!11!" and like always she's like "HELP THEY'RE MAKING ME LISTEN TO ONE DIRECTION!!1!1!1!!1!"

Yeah no helped her XD

So she listened to the song and she's like "That's One Direction!?" an im like "Yuppers!" Then she was like "It's they're not bad." Then im like "So can we listen to that tomorrow!?!??!" She was like "No." Then i was like "Awwww. Can we for my birthday!?!?!" And she was like " Yeah if everyone finishes their math." And I was like "YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!?!?!"

So when my birthday comes around those mother truckers BETTER finish their math because i wanna listen to Four !!!!

And no ones a Directioner in there ,beside my friend and this other girl who likes them but her sister is a Directioner, so this shall be fun!!!!

Welp that's mah story for today!!!

Comment down suggestions you want me to do or your name for short stories like my good friend @CrazyDirectioner725 does. Im feeling inspired by her to make some so SHOUT OUT to her!!!

Welp Byezerzzzz!!!!

~*iluvstylesandhoran :)

P.s. My teacher said that by my birthday i won't remember who they were and this is my reaction............................


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