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Dear 99 cents store,

         I have noticed you have not one but TWO singing Justin Bieber toothbrushes and i am just wondering why you FREAKIN DON'T HAVE A ONE DIRECTION SINGING TOOTHBRUSH!?!?!?  (and yes i know toothtunes has too singing one direction toothbrushes but im not paying like ten bucks for one) So this is just a calming letter for you asking to please put some One Direction singing toothbrushes or ima find where they all are and take everything single toothbrush out and just replace them with one direction toothbrushes.


A loving Directioner(:

P.S. Your store needs more One Direction merchandise then Justin Bieber. You'll make more money like that ;).


Hola guys!!!! VAS HAPPENIN!!!! Yaeh first of all no hate to bieber fans and employees that work at the 99 cent store, you guys are awesome.  Anyways i went to the store and i was getting earphones bc someone broke her earphones.........again. Yaeh im bad with earphones shut up -.- and i just pass the toothbrush section like a normal person.....yaeh really normal........and i turned around and saw a Bieber toothbrush and i was like to my mom "really!?!?" and shes like "im not buying you that" and im like "who said i want it, im sending a Complaint to the store asking why they don't have 1D toothbrushes. " and shes like "okay then" yeah and then she left god knows where and i got curious and played the music on the JB toothbrush and people where starting at me and i think they thought i was a Belieber. No random people im a Directioner just messing around with a Bieber toothbrush.  then i got lost in the tiny store........not a surprise-.-...........found my mom and got dried mangos cx . Well thats enough rambling, i think this is gonna be at least three pages. LOVE YOU!!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee







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