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So you know Niall has a fear of birds right!? But bird also means girl/girlfriend  in British Slang. So what i don't get is Niall loves all the fans and most of the fans are girls. So is scared of us or.........!?!?


Helloooooooooooooo guys!!!! So for the long wait its bc i ran out of ideas to write about so i went to my friend @stayhighlana and she decided for me to do a Kiss Marry or Kill and i was like nooooooooo. Then she told me to tell you she's a sucker for Styles. So @STAYHIGHLANA IS A SUCKER FOR STYLES !!!!!!!!!! Okay happy now lol. But yaeh you should go check out her her account and our collaboration account. @Ventisides Yaeh thats all i gotta say Dueces ✌Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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