Heehee special surprise :D

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*whispering*  Omg hi guys if your in the states like me sorry for waking you at like 4 in the morning, my bad, guess what..................... THE RANDOMNESS BOOK OF A DIRECTIONER HAS 1K READS!!!!!! LIKE OMG!!!!! I REMEMBER LIKE IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY I WAS REALLY bored and i looked up directioner book things and came across these two books Directioners Only!!!!! (1,2,3 by: Hellokitty_415) & Directioners Crazy Mofo Book (by: 1Directioner_Horan) and i read them and i was like "You know what ima make one of these books too just cause!"

So now here it is.

So now time for the be speech okay ummm.......

Okay 1st of all i wanna thank the boys because obviously there would be no book. I would also like to thanks my very, very good friend at @Stayhighlana for tell me to get a wattpad account and for helping, suggested, and etc. on my stories ( follow @Ventisides for our collab account c:) and for just being there. I also would like to thank @LiveLaughLovexoxoxo & @infinity_21 for always voting and commenting. Yeah guys i see that LOL. I would also like to thank @poke_power for making an account just to read my story, like i met her on the piccollage and i asked her if she had a wattpad and she said no and i told her that she really should its really cool and if she could check out my stories and she said yeah sure and here she is.Thank you! And lastly, but certainly not the least,  the rest of you guys & my mother yelling to get of my phone and go outside. So yeah omg. A MASSIVE THANK YOU!!!!!!  THANKS A MILLION!!!!!! GRACIAS!!!!!!!!! AHAAAAAAA I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!!!!

Okay so ima go back to sleep and its already gonna be 5 in the morning and my dad's gonna get up to go to work in a little and then my mom is gonna "wake me up" to give me my pill. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


QOTD: Where my readers from????

Answer: i live in the states. Cali to be exact :)


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