What If......

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Harry: Oh look! Boys, she has a new profile pic on tumblr!

Louis: Stop it. Your never going to meet her.

Niall: Seriously, can I not go through a single meal without you talking about her?

Harry: I will meet her someday!

Zayn: Harry, if it's ment to be, it will happen.

Liam: Awww, don't worry mate. I'm sure you'll meet her.

Harry: Oh look! she's fangirling over me while I fangirling over her! It's a sign! We are ment to be. Omg. She posted a gif of me. Hahaa sorry dying


Hello sunshines♥♡♥♡♥ Soooooo how's your day going or how was???? Mine was alright, I guess?!?! but the scince teacher was a pain in the butt!!!!!  Right when someone would talk she would give that person detention, like what kind of teacher does that and when people go for the detention for whatever they did she won't let them in!!!! Anyways enough of my rambling the story I've been loving so far is Brother with benifits by kitsxoxo!!!!!!! I highly recommend it!!!! Anyways I'm gonna go read more of that story! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


CREDICT TO: I saw it on tumblr and I don't know who made it!!! so credict is to whoever put it on tumblr!!!

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