Funny 1D Quotes XD

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Hey guiz!! Thanks to those who gave me suggestions in the comments!!! I'll be sure to use them soon!! So today i started remembering things the guys have said that i thought were pretty funny. So let's get on with the quotes. Oh and make sure to check my author's note at the end its very important!!!


Louis: "The fame got to Kevin's head and he's just with tons of other birds now. He's not interested in me."


Louis: "Zayn, you can't be a power ranger if you can't swim. A drowning power ranger would be weird."


Zayn: "When i was little, I had two cats called Lilly and Lilo."

Harry: "Not very original."

Niall: "Your hamster was named hamster."


Louis: " I have a women's bum. It just really looks womanly. "


Harry: "I'm not a very good actor. "

Interviewer: "Really!?"

Harry: "Have you seen iCarly. "


Liam: "We didn't pass Geography. "

Niall: " I did."

Liam: "Shut up you probably ate your book."


Niall: "I'm a math genius. "

Louis: "675 books plus 345 books equals. "

Niall: " LIBRARY! Ask me a harder question, Lou."


Liam: "We went to a farm and they offered us horses to ride.There were only 4 horses so Harry rode a cow."


Harry: "Louis and Niall don't get lots of solos because their voices make girls pregnant. "


Liam: "My sister used to call me Cheesy-Head because I loved these cheesy crisps. "


So those are a few quotes that I were pretty funny! All credit goes to Google. Oh Google. Anyways make sure to COMMENT, VOTE, and FOLLOW!!! I follow back. Always. So that's it. Oh and one more thing I have noticed, frist of all i don't want to sound mean or bossy, but lots of you read but don't comment or vote so i won't update until i have......


Okay now that's it. Hope you enjoy!  Remember the goal! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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