#Directioner Problems

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1.) When you live in Narnia.

2.) When you get a magazine and the posters are double-sided.

3.) When your posters fall in the middle of the night and scare the shiz outta you.

4.) When they wear clothing on their bodies.

5.) When you can't get tickets for the WWA tour and you really need to go to see Niall do the crotch slide in person.

6.) When people call you obessed. When your dedicated.

7.) When your family/friends hate One Direction.

8.) When your mom won't buy you  merchandise.

9.) When you wake up from a One Direction dream.

10.) When the word Directioner is not on the dictionary.


Hey guys!!!! So i know, i know i said that i won't update for a while, but i decided since my brother told me that i can use my phone internet and still have a lot left over i said uh why not and here is the update(: and i can't want for tomorrow.  I'm going on a holiday.  YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Anyways i see a lot of you read this but i don't know if you actually read my A/N so to comment down the last song you heard and add: while monkeys jump on the moon eatin' tacos

Ex: Rock Me while monkeys jump on the moon eatin' tacos.

Ya that about it byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


QOTD: What is your favourite word?

AOTD: Boybands :)

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