(Y/n) the Medic

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(Y/n) (L/n),

"You could do this, go!" she runs inside the foggy woods. A figure watches from the distance it had a small smile on its face. The white hood that covers the half of her face, she strode and keep watches the kids who went in.

"Alright, trail of a deer." she studied quietly looking at the footprint, she continued diving even more deeper at the forest.  "Mary had a little lamb." she chanted softly. "Mary had a little lamb"


A familiar voice called your name, she felt a shiver running down on her spine. She quickly headed. It was her sister calling her name.

"Elizabeth?" she ponder, she saw a figure lying down across the tree. Blood shot eyes open wide, she draw her little pen like a little sword. (Y/n) takes a little peek, she saw another boy she didn't knew. But, he seemed familiar.

"Hello?" she steps out from her hiding place, Ben whipped his head seeing her walking towards him. He quickly grabs the stick pointing it at her. She quickly notices his face who was afraid and hurt, she looked down to see his legs were bleeding.

"I just wanna help." she raised both of her arms. Eyeing the stick on his hand, "I saw you guys entering in this freaky woods, so I followed you guys."  she smiled slyly.

"Well you shouldn't be here." Ben eyed the girl with suspicious if she's IT or not, but honesty was shown in her eyes. He lowered the stick down. "Even a kid like you can't even handle this kind of mess." he grumbles, trying to stand up but when he could feel the pain he stumbles back at the ground and he sighed deeply.

"I can help, if may I?" she offered, grabbing her long sock on her leg and wrapped it on his wound. She hummed a little, tying the,sock to avoid the blood gashing out. "Where did you learn, this kind of things?"

"Well," she paused and continued to inspect his leg. "My Aunt was a nurse and when Mama and Papa were sometimes gone, me and my sister always hang out with her. She teach us about this , if one of us gets hurt." she smiled sadly, where she could remember Aunt Hailey, teaching them about this.

She helps Ben up, breaks one stick making it a cane shaped but still it could be a useful stick. "So Ben, how did this happened?"

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