The only thing I wanted to do right now, honestly, was sleep.

"Sorry!" Mandalay was the first to apologize, doing so only after Sero complained about it taking longer than three hours to get through the forest, a finger pressed to her chin. "That's how quickly we would've made it."


Amused at our scruffy appearances, Pixie-Bob let out a giggle that sounded a lot like a meow, attempting to suppress it by covering her mouth. "We actually thought it'd take you longer. And you dealt with my Earth Beast pretty easily, too. Not bad. Especially..." Sticking her tongue out and moving her paw away from her mouth, she pointed in our general direction. But then, I realized that she was pointing at one group in particular, so my gaze drifted until it landed on...

"You four. I'm guessing your past experiences allowed you to act without hesitation?"

The blonde was gesturing towards Iida, Midoriya, Shouto, and Bakugou, which didn't really surprise me. After all, they stole much of the spotlight with their amazing quirks and crap. As she fell into a ramble, ranting about how she was "gonna have fun three years from now," I spotted the young boy from before.

That's a pretty cool hat, I have to admit. Sitting on his head was a red hat that had two golden spikes on the front, part of it sticking out and casting a shadow over his face. My eyes had been drawn to it almost at once, seeing the design as interesting. As if noticing a pair of eyes on him, he turned his head and stared at me for a bit before scowling with a scoff. This kid has attitude. Reminds me of someone else I know...

Understanding that he probably wanted to be left alone, I settled on letting out a sigh before slouching a bit, the exhaustion finally getting to me. It was as if I had a ton of invisible bricks on my shoulders, and they weighed me down, making me sluggish.

Yeah, I really wanna sleep right now...

Midoriya's voice snapped me out of my fantasies, and I turned my head to see him glancing over at the child with Pixie-Bob's paw right in front of his face. He probably mentioned something about her age again. "That boy. Whose child is he?"

Not giving me any time to ponder over the greenette's question, Mandalay answered while gesturing towards him, a hint of a smile on her face. "Oh, he's actually my nephew. Kota!" She waved him over, and he begrudgingly sauntered over, keeping his eyes down.  "Come over and say hello. You'll be spending a week with these guys, after all."

Midoriya was the first to approach Kota, a big mistake in his case. Not only that, but he left his crotch unguarded as he bent forward, sticking out a hand in the noirette's direction. I could tell from a mile away that this wouldn't end well. "Hi! I'm Midoriya, from U.A. High School's hero course. Nice to meetcha!"

There was a brief pause before, like I thought he would be, the freckled teen was punched in the groin, Midoriya hunching over as Iida ran to his side, Kota stalking off. He groaned in pain, causing me to let out a slight snicker out of amusement. I'm such a terrible person...

"Midoriya!" Iida sounded alarmed as he looked over at his friend with worry before glancing at the kid, seeming enraged as he shouted once more. "You fiend of a child! Why would you do that to Midoriya's scrotum?!"

I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but that certainly wasn't it. Unable to contain myself, I let out a wheeze before doubling over and eventually falling flat to the ground, still in pain as I cackled. You know, like a terrible person would.

Fun fact: sometimes, when I'm exhausted, I practically act like a person high on crack and laugh at the stupidest things. That, or I embarrass all of my friends in various ways, prompting them to question why they associate themselves with my weird self.

SCABULOUS. ˢʰᵒᵘᵗᵒ ᵗᵒᵈᵒʳᵒᵏⁱ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang