Chapter 29: The Aftermath

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"Hey, Diamond Tiara. What are you doing here?" asked Pinkie, skipping over to her.

Diamond Tiara jumped as she heard Pinkie Pie sit down. She wasn't expecting anyone to come in. She looked at Pinkie, watching as her friend grabbed a piece of cake. She couldn't help but laugh as Pinkie got some chocolate frosting on her cheek. She took a napkin and wiped it off.

"I was just getting some alone time. I can't believe what my dad was doing to your friend," said Diamond Tiara.

Pinkie giggled and smiled at Diamond Tiara.

"Our friend. She's your friend too. And besides, you helped save her and prove that she isn't a monster. I couldn't imagine what would've happened had the crowds thought that she was a monster." said Pinkie, placing a piece cake in front of Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara took the cake and took a bite. She smiled back at Pinkie. She could see how Pinkie's friends managed to stay hopeful even when the situation seemed dire. It was because they had her. She was their friendly neighborhood jokester.

"Thanks, Pinkie. Now, I have to get my blood bag. Starlight said it's in the nurse's office already. Wanna come?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Pinkie took another bite of her cake. She wanted to join Diamond Tiara. But she wanted to eat her cake. She decided that she would come by after she finished eating.

"No, I just came from there. You go, I will catch up. Come and get me if there's anything you need." said Pinkie taking another bite.

"Okay, Pinkie. Enjoy the cake," said Diamond Tiara as she left the cafeteria.

Diamond found the nurse's office after a few wrong turns. She realized that she wasn't used to the school. She opened the door, glad that she didn't have to admit she had lost her way a few times. She saw Starlight hush her as she closed the door. She was careful to not make much noise.

"Do you have the blood bag? My hunger is kicking up," whispered Diamond Tiara.

Starlight stopped wrapping Sunset's left arm with the gauze. She walked over to the desk and pulled the blood bag out of the cooler. She handed it to Diamond Tiara.

"Please, be quiet. These girls have had a long night. I know you did too, that's why I have reserved a spot for you" Starlight pointed to a spot on the floor which had two blankets sprawled out, "I know it's not much, but it was the best I could do." said Starlight.

Diamond Tiara sat on the bottom blanket and smiled.

"It's great, Starlight. Thanks," said Diamond Tiara.

Starlight nodded. She walked back over and continued to wrap Sunset's arm in gauze. Once she finished the left arm, she moved onto the right one. She was about to start wrapping it when a gentle knock came. She stopped and answered the door. She saw that Principle Luna was standing in the doorway. She walked out of the nurse's office, not wanting to disturb the sleeping teenagers.

"Sorry to disturb you, Ms. Glimmer. But I need to talk about your daughter," said Luna.

Starlight kept walking alongside Luna until they reached a set of lockers. She knew that Luna was probably going to discuss what to do with Sunset. She leaned against of the lockers and turned to Luna.

"Principle-" said Starlight.

"Just call me Luna, no need for formalities." interrupted Luna.

"Okay, Luna. You may call me Starlight. What exactly are you wanting to discuss that involves my daughter?" asked Starlight.

Luna placed a hand on Starlight's shoulder. She knew that the topic of her daughter was a difficult one, especially now. She wished that she didn't need to discuss it with Starlight, not when she just got her daughter back.

Crimson Promise (A Sunlight FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang