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Y/n's p.o.v
I have always had a crush on Cruz but he likes someone else and he's been talking about her with me.

"Hey Y/n my adorable best friend," He smiled.

"Oof Cruz what do you want," I laughed.

"I need help," He sighed.

"For what," I questioned.

"I want to ask my crush out," He chuckled embarrassed.

"Shouldn't you be asking your mates," I asked.

"They weren't any help and you're one of my mates so," He trailed off.

"Fine, just practice on me," I shrugged.

"Will you go out with me," he practised, I really wish I was the girl.

"Yeah, now ask her out," I slightly laughed in jealousy.

"I already did silly," He laughed.

"Why did you ask me then," I asked.

"Oh No way!," I exclaimed.

"So, yes or no?," he asked.

"Of course Cruz," I smiled.

He pulled me closer and smashed his lips onto mine passionately.

"Wait so I'm the girl you've been talking about the whole time," I questioned.

"Yeah I mean who else would be the girl who I'm good friends with and beautiful," He questioned laughing.

"A lot Cruzzie, a lot," I laughed.

"But you stand out the most," He smiled.

"Oh yeah? How," I asked.

"Because you're the only girl in my friend group who has a crush on me,"He smirked.

"How the hell did you find out," I questioned hitting his shoulder gently.

"Ow! Romeo and Hana told me," He laughed.

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Someone's touchy," He laughed

"What can I not hug my boyfriend," I pouted.

"Cutie," He smiled and kissed my forehead.

Cruz Beckham imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now