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Key Words:
Y/f/n= your friend's name

Y/b/f/n=your bestfriend's name

Y/n=your name

Y/n's p.o.v
Cruz is my bestfriend and I just want that happiest and the best for him even sometimes I'm not really happy about it. Today my phone blew up with people tagging me on posts and mentioning me. I checked them all out and eachone was about Cruz Dating y/f/n I mean he did mention that he had a crush on her months ago so I knew this was gonna happen one day...but that doesn't mean I'm not jealous.

I went on with my morning routine like the usual. "Hey mum I'm heading out," I said.

"Okay, be careful honey," my mum smiled.

It was snowing outside so I decided to go to a cafe nearby where unfortunately Cruz and y/f/n were sucking each others faces.

"Hey y/n!," they yelled.

I just gave them a glance and looked back at the barista.

"How much sorry," i questioned

"That would be £7.00," The barista smiled.

"Here yah go," I smiled and paid. "Keep the change...for yourself," I smiled

"Thank you...ma'am name please?," she questioned.

"Y/n," I answered.

I waited for my coffee patiently like everyone else. Soon they called my name, indicating my drink was ready. I took my coffee and sat at an open table. "Hey do you wanna hangout with us," y/f/n came up to you and asked.

"No I'm doing something better today," I said as I faked another smile.

"You're just like y/b/f/n always busy Just admit you're jealous that I actually got a decent boyfriend," She yelled.

"Just admit it y/n!," she yelled again.

"Babe stop," Cruz said pulling y/f/n away.

"Fine no I'm not jealous that you have a decent boyfriend. I'm jealous that you have my crush and you know that, that's why you continue bragging about having Cruz. But you know what? I don't need to be your friend anymore since you've got someone to cry to about your stupid lies...and you, I don't need you to call me just to know if I'm okay because I'm always lying to you. I am not okay...it's it's  it's whatever," I yelled and ran out of the cafe with my coffee in my hand.

I stood at the side of the cafe until crying.

"Y/n?," a familiar voice asked.

"Romeo?," I questioned.

"What happened," He asked and hugged me.

I told him everything and constantly blamed myself.

"Y/n it's not your fault and you don't need to rush into things y/n. You're too young to have a boyfriend and Cruz is still not mature enough to find the right girl. And maybe by the time he's mature enough you've found someone else better or he has or maybe it's you only Time can tell, you make your own future," romeo said.

"Thank you RoRo," I smiled and sniffle on his shoulder.

"Let's get you another cup of coffee and just hang out like Cruz isn't even there," He suggested.

"That would be lovely," I smiled.

We went in the cafe again and as Cruz was about to approach me Romeo pulled me away from him. We ordered coffee and talked a lot.

-few years later-

Romeo was right Cruz and I got to be together, got married and had children and I was the happiest girl ever until our sweet baby girl was taken by cancer.

"I still...Can't move one Cruz," i cried.

"I just want to hear her say mummy One last time," I cried.

"I know darling I do too but we've got to keep going for her," He sobbed.

Cruz Beckham imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now