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Y/n's P.O.V

School has just finished and coming from a girl school I was waiting for my boyfriend at the bus station nearby.

Soon I was engulfed with a warm hug by Cruz.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you right now baby," Cruz smiled.

"Awe I missed you too Cruzzie," I laughed.

"Let's get you home...shall we my darling," he questions.

"We shall," I laughed.

Now you might be wondering why I'm going to tell you about something a year ago...you'll get why later.

There was a boy in my class his name was Charlie and I thought he was really cute until last year he told me that I was the ugliest girl in the world. My heart shattered and that's when I met Cruz. He told me the opposite of what Charlie sId and soon  enough he became my best friend then later on boyfriend.

The reason why I told you about Charlie is because he saw me today and asked me out for the dance next week.

"Y/n can you go to the dance with me?," He questioned as Cruz was still holding my hand protectively.

"No, you don't want to be partnered up with the ugliest girl in the world like the year 7 you said to poor year 7 y/n," I said confidently. "Besides who needs you when I've got a boyfriend who actually loves and cares about me," I smiled.

"Please...," he begged.

"She already said no mate, leave my girlfriend alone," Cruz said.

Charlie was was going to punch Cruz but I interfered therefore I was the one who got hit. "Don't ever touch my boyfriend," I yelled as Charlie ran away.

"You could've let me get punched now look darling, you've got a bleeding lip. But not don't worry I know how to make it feel better," he smiled.

He gave my lips a peck and we continued to walk home.

Cruz Beckham imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now