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Cruz's p.o.v

I was out with my friends and my brother Romeo when I got a phone call from one of my ex-girlfriend Y/n's friends called me.

"Hello?," I answered

"Cruz! Y/n posted something online and now she's not picking up the phone and I'm freaking out," She said really fast which made me really hard to understand.

"I think she's trying to kill herself Cruz!," She exclaimed

"Oh God," I exclaimed and hung up.

"I've got to go," I informed.

"What? Why?," Romeo asked

"Y/n, she needs me," I sighed and quickly ran to the car.

I drove to her house where the was supposed to come soon.

I suppose she's home alone right now because there wasn't anyone there. I quickly rushed to her room, but she wasn't there, I checked the bathroom and there she was struggling to open the pills whilst sitting on a pool of blood from her arms and legs.

"Y/n baby, why?," I cried as I rushed in and hugged her from behind

"I can't do it anymore!," she cried.

"I know darling," I whispered.

I remembered what I told her a couple weeks ago when we broke it off.


"I do love you Cruz," She fought.

"You do, Too much! That you can't even love yourself! So you yell at yourself, you cry yourself to sleep, you hunger yourself and expect someone to be there to comfort you! That's not the real world Y/n and that's not the type of girl I'd like to have a commitment with, you're just nothing but a depressed girl, a liar, you act sad to get people's attention,"  I yelled which made her tear up a little as the others laughed.

End of flashback.

"You were right Cruz, I can love someone so much that I can't even love myself, and I'm so sorry," She whispered.

"There's nothing to be sorry about Y/n. I'm sorry for what I said you know that wasn't true, and I love you Y/n I really do, you were right I was scared of commitment," I sighed and brushed her hair back.

Medics came in and brought her to the ambulance.

"Are you a family of Y/n?," They asked.

"He's Y/n's ex," Y/f/n yelled.

"Come with us then," They said.

I came in the ambulance with them and it was a scary ride. We lost her twice during the ride luckily she survived.

"Y/n my beautiful girl, I love you so much," I whispered and kissed her lips gently.

"I love you too," she whispered

"D-do you want me to go?," I stuttered.

"Please stay," she begged.

"I will," I smiled as I grabbed a pillow and settled on the floor.

"Not there silly here with me," she giggled.

"Are you sure?," I questioned.

"I mean You could just stay there...," She trailed off

"Yeah, nah," I laughed and rushed beside her.

Soon she fell asleep on my shoulder. I'm going to love her with no measure, and I will make sure that she knows that everyday, hour, second.

Cruz Beckham imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now