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Y/n's p.o.v

It was a sunday morning and I had just ate my breakfast  when Cruz told me to meet him at the park nearby.

I brushed my teeth and got out of my pyjamas and rode me skate board to the park.

"You wanted to talk to me?," I questioned gently as I walked near to where he was sitting.

"Y/n I know we both like eachother but I just thought that...maybe we should just be best friends, because if we dated and we somehow broke up we'd stop being friends and I don't like that," He frowned.

"If that's what makes you happy Cruz," I shrugged and frowned.

"And I was going to ask y/f/n out," He smiled a little.

"NO!," I yelled "I mean uhm No way," I faked smiled.

"Yeah.. do you reckon she'd say yes," He questions shyly

"Of course she would...excuse me but I'm feeling a little under the weather right now call me once you've- nevermind," I sighed.

"Alright then y/n feel better soon," He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Well...aren't you gonna do it back," he asked.

"No, I think it's really severe I don't want you to catch it...even though you've already kissed my cheek but no I won't," I answered and went back home with my skateboard in my hand

"Honey..you're back early what happened," She asked worriedly.

"I feel gloomy today...but I'll be in my room staring at complete nothingness whilst the world carries on without me," I sniffle.

"Alright," she sighed.

I was as pale as my feelings inside, I didn't feel like moving or talking at all. I stared at the window blankly as droplets of rain hit my window, once again a rainy day in busy London.

I was staring at the great nothingness whilst the sky crying with me, I saw a pebble hit my window breaking my gaze with the sky. I gently looked down and I saw Cruz dripping wet from the rain.

"I told you I'm sick," I yelled from my window.

"Sick and Tired of me not admitting that I am truly in love with you and nothing could change that...not even myself. I'm sorry y/n once again...it's a gloomy day in busy London and once again I had broken your heart the 4th time. Y/n don't forgive me...you shouldn't, I was only scared of losing you but I was never scared of loving you. Y/n darling you don't deserve me but my heart will always belong to you," He smiled.


He laughed in response and knocked on my door. I ran downstairs and to the door. Mum had already opened the door so what I was left to do is to run upto Cruz and slammed my lips onto his.

"I do like that," he smiled as we pulled away.

"Idiot," I chuckled.

"I love you y/n," he smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He questions.

"Most definitely yes," i smiled happily and kissed him again.

Cruz Beckham imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now