23 (Conrad Sewell fans only)

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Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up on the bed with my head on my sleeping boyfriend's chest. I decided to let him sleep whilst I make breakfast.

I made a complete English Breakfast for him and myself. I suddenly felt a grip on my waist it was Cruz my boyfriend.

"Why did you leave me on our 4th year anniversary baby," he pouted.

"I decided to let you sleep while I made breakfast," I smiled.

"Ooh yummy," He cheered as he soon started leaning in.

"Eww Morning Breath," I said jokingly.

He pouted again but this time with sad puppy dog eyes.

"Alright alright," I giggled and kissed him.

"I love you so much y/n," He whispered lovingly into my ear.

"I love you too Cruzzie but I do love you more," I smirked.

"Just wait until my surprise," He smiled.

"What surprise," I questioned.

"Surprise duh," He said sassily.

After breakfast we got ready as I changed to my casual attire.

As we got into the car he put blindfolds on me.

"What why?,"I questioned.

"For a good reason," He said.

"Fine," I groaned.

Whilst he was driving Cruz played songs from my favourite artist Conrad Sewell. I sang and danced along the whole way to where ever tf I am.

When he took off my blind folds we were in a room somewhere backstage.

"Cruz where are we?," I asked.

"Just wait," He smiled.

Soon someone opened the door and I could not believe it.

"Conrad Sewell...I-You're oh my god," I exclaimed fangirling happily.

"Ah you must be y/n y/l ahh you got lucky here Cruz," Conrad smiled at Cruz.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person," I smiled.

"Oh come on hug it in," Conrad smiled.

I did hug him happily I was shocked.

"Now you teenagers are welcome to stay and watch in the VIP section," Conrad said happily relaxed.

Cruz and I smiled in response as he handed us our passes.

We went to the VIP section and I just hugged Cruz out of nowhere.

"Honestly babe thank you I love you so much...now my turn," I smiled.

"No need darling," He shrugged.

I handed him a box full of our pictures and screenshots of our iMessage conversations, letters to eachother, rose petals that I kept in a Jar that represents my love for him.

"Happy Fourth year anniversary baby," I smiled and kissed him passionately.

"Thank you darling I love it...but I still love you more," he smirked playfully.

Soon Conrad came out and started singing Healing Hands.

I sang whilst my arms were wrapped around Cruz.

"I love you baby and no one can change that," He said pressed his lips gently onto mine.

Cruz Beckham imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now