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Jayson POV
As I made my way toward the smoothie place there was a pretty lightening standing outside of it. She had on sunglasses she was holding a white little pole in the palms of her hands. What I didn't expect was for her to turn and bump into me, she turned so quick I didn't have time to do the other way.

We collided so hard her glasses slipped and her pole fell to the ground and unfolded. It was a walking stick for blond people and it clicked. Her eyes didn't look like she was blind they had almost a blank stare to them like she was looking and not seeing.

" I'm sorry I thought I heard you walking on the other side of me " she said her British accent thick as she was bending down and patting around for her stick. Seeing she was having trouble and being the gentleman that I am I bent down and picked it up giving it to her.

" thank you " she said grabbing it and I noticed her manicure was plain white. " I'm Jayson Tatum, are you, I don't mean to be rude but are you blind?" I asked her and she gave me the prettiest smile I've ever seen before nodding. " yes, I've been blind since the age of ten" she said and I waved my hand in front of her face but she didn't even blink. " sorry " I said because maybe she could feel the air.

" yeah I felt the air, it's fine a lot of people and fans I meet do that" she said and I nodded. " my names Blue by the way, Rivera, I sing for a group called little mix, by the accent you could probably tell that we're British group " she said and I smiled nodding.

Within the next two or three minutes we've exchanged numbers and followed each other on social media. She explained how she used talking to text and uses Siri to call people, her band mates also take the Instagram pictures for her and they held her out a lot. " blue are you ready to go yeah, we've got your smoothie " a girl said and Blue turned her head in the direction her voice was coming from. " just a second yeah?" Blue said and they got in the car waiting for her.

" hey this may sound weird but can I take you out this Thursday, I'm not off again until Thursday" I said and she giggled and thought about it. " can I feel your face?" She said and I was about to nod before remembering that she couldn't see " sure" I said and she touched my shoulders before smoothly making her hands touch my cheek and she caressed my face and it didn't feel weird her touch was gentle. " text me the details" was all she said before she got in the car and they pulled off.

Making my way inside the smoothie place I place the order Toriah asked me for and I paid and made my way to pick up Duece. Now don't get me wrong I love my son and I got so much love for T as my babymomma. It's just that sometimes it feel like she don't want me to move on. She broke up with me, she felt like we'd be better as co parents because of all the arguing we use to do.

Two months after we broke up I was talking to Samie a volleyball player for duke and Toriah damn near lost her head. I've been single ever since, but once T find out about this date with Blue, she gone have some shit to say, and gonna have put her back in her place. She has to let me go, I like Blue's vibe and she's so happy despite her being blind. I wanna see if I can make something happen between the two of us.

Blue POV
As I sat on the couch the girls questioned me about Jayson. They googled him and like he said he played for the NBA her in Boston for the Celtics. They told me he was very handsome, it frustrates me sometimes when I really want to see something but I can't. I've been dreading it for years because the success rate back then was low, it's higher now but it scares me thinking about what if I get the surgery and my sight doesn't return.

I just don't want to get my hopes up and then remain blind, it's nice to know I have the option but scary if that option doesn't take and I'm blind the rest of my life. I grew blind from an accident so it wasn't like I was born and I gradually grew blind. My children won't have to worry about being blind. I do plan on having kids wether through a sperm bank, adoption or the natural process but I know I want at least two kids. I know I can find happiness with someone and get married one day.

I was taken back when Jayson asked me out earlier today. Most guys notice I'm blind and walk the other way. I'm not a virgin and the last time I had sex was my last relationship with a cheater by the name of Zayn. We broke up because he thought I could tell when he was lying just because I was blind, my sense of smell, and Hearing have only heightened since I was ten.

I could hear when his voice changed when he lied, I could smell the perfume that wasn't mine. I came to the house we shared and heard the moans clear as day. Gave him his ring back and left that day, this was two months ago. My mum Kari (car-ee) has helped me a lot. It's like I met my mom again when she told me how my dad cheated on her when they were engaged and how she looked past it, she told me no pun intended. I couldn't because my previous boyfriend that also cheated on me, Malcom had recently passed away from a drug overdose because he was dying from HIV, I could have died had he given it to me and I want gonna risk getting anything from Zayn's cheating self either.

I was now in bed on the phone with Jayson. Getting to know each other better. He revealed to me that he had a son, you know we asked question you don't ask until the fourth and fifth date, but the circumstances were different considering my situation. " I hope you know I'm gonna count this as date number one right? We've been on the phone for four hours, I put him to sleep while I was on the phone with you" he said making me laugh and I nodded " I'll take that, I know you probably have fatherly duties on the morning and I have practice so I'll talk to you soon" I said and I chuckled before saying goodbye. Hanging up at the same time I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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