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Jayson POV
I woke up to a lot of messages especially from fans congratulating us on the finals and the one that caught my eye was from Blue she sent a selfie of her on a jet and she looked smaller, her hair a lot longer, her skin glowing though and she was simply breathtaking. She went into detail about he journey and how she wanted to take her own life after we parted ways, she explains she had been seeing an therapist and she wrote this long paragraph like a letter addressed to me. She said she was going to London for two weeks and that she was leaving her phone with her parents she'll be staying at a resort that specializes in people who have and had suffered with depression. She wrote that she never stopped loving me and that she realized she only needed to love herself. She bore her sole into this paragraph how she fasted, talked less and Prayed more. I was probably too late seeing how she sent this four hours ago.

Reading the paragraph again after I bathed myself and Deuce I noticed she's written ' My Dearest, Jayson' with a comma after dearest, she wrote My Dearest, Jayson. It changed the meaning, she intended, one simple comma and for the next two weeks it'll consume my waking days. She meant this with her entire heart and soul she typed this with love. Pure love and I loved that and I love her. Was I concerned that at one point she actually considered and wanted to take her own life? Absolutely but over the course of these three weeks she's proven that she's grown so much. Hell she was smiling in the selfie she was finally feeling good about herself and it didn't matter what the negative people had to say about it. I smile reading it again. I love how in the middle of the paragraphs she goes ' Excuse me um, I love you' her big heart shined through even when she just went through a dark time mostly alone, by choice of course but she did go through it alone and that takes guts. I admire the women that she is and I will forever love her.

Blue POV
I know what I'm doing at the resort is what's best. I just want to make sure I take something away from this and take it upon myself to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. I smiled as I checked in and they led me to my suite. A lot of celebrities were here actually, it was for celebs to get their minds right. I knew I was going to have to resort back to what my trigger was and it was going to be uncomfortable but I needed to work through this. I want to love me the way that Jay loves me. I don't play with my pen I mean what I write and I'd absolutely love to see me from his point of view.

Leigh-Anne POV
Blue's parents just informed us and Chef that Blue will be spending the next two week at a mental awareness facility resort in London to make sure her mind is truly where she needs to be to come back and it's strictly no phones to ensure everyone's privacy. " I absolutely love your guys verse" I say as Private show played. ' we're touched we're teasing' she sung ' we don't need a reason, and I got a feeling, that soon we'll be leaving' she sung as our backing vocals helped back her up. We were dancing to it rehearsing a bit more, Blue has been to every rehearsal except for the ones in the next two weeks which will only be four so she won't have to play catch up. I honestly am so proud of her she's very young she's 21 and she just got her sigh back she went under a lot of stress and seeing nothing but hate comments about not having kids in a new relationship, her not being skinny enough or some saying her body is fake cause she got a big bum, they say she shouldn't be with Jayson cause she's using him when their relationship was so beautiful, even now he's still very active with us and fans hate that even though they're not together they're still rooting for each other. I'm rooting for them to get back together.

" yeah I do actually" Jayson as saying talking to Grant and Perrie. " that's so cute so you upgraded her promise ring?" Jade joins as Jayson was holding a beautiful ring. " I had to I'm about to upgrade the promises she still has her old one" he says and I look and gasped. " Jayson that's an engagement ring" I gasped covering my mouth and he laughs and nod. " it is but I'm not proposing right now, imma obviously give her time and give us some more time but yes this is an engagement ring" he says and we all hug them, they'd be so cute together. " I love that for you guys honestly I know when she comes back after us and chef you'll be the first person she calls, but I know you'll be the first person she wants to spend time with, she may call us first but if I know Blue like I think I do, she'll come see you first" Jade says and we all giggle and nod.

" she has so much love for you honestly and it's so adorable how much she adores you, you leave her so vulnerable and I will forever be touched by the way you two love each other" Perrie says and Grant's jaw dropped. They became official today so today was the day for happiness and we were just gonna wait until Blue came back to be happy with her.

Love At First Touch || Jayson Tatum ||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt