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Jade POV
It was half time and Blue was actually babysitting Duece who was really happy to see her and she see him back. We took our jackets off and we just had on crop tops and cool stylish color coordinated pants on, Blue had on Yellow, Perrie Green, my purple and Leigh-Anne Pink. " oh thank you" I say as Blue handed me a mic. " oh I'm in love" she says when I stared at her. " you hear that Jayson you got some competition, she's only been seeing us these past two weeks we know who she Pefers" Perrie jokes as fans and Jayson laughs along with some of the players. " may we get started" Blue pretends to be embarrassed and laughs at the end. " kidding" she says and we smile.

" okay Blue the first question is for you" Leigh-Anne says and Blur nods she was reading something off in the distance. " so you're single" Leigh-Anne says. " oh come onnnnnn" Blue says making the players laugh and Grant to hug Jayson. " shut up answer the question, you don't have a boyfriend" Leigh-Anne jokes and Blue groans. She's so respectful of her relationship like it's so amazing how in love she is with Jayson. " would you rather date someone from 5sos" she pauses dramatically as Blue whines hiding her face behind her stack of questions the fans asked on twitter an hour ago. " or one direction" Leigh finishes and Blue shakes her head. " No! no I can't! I can't do that" she exclaims making the fans cheer. " you have to" Leigh says and Blue pouts. " I got a boy at home" she says and everyone started going apeshit. " oh no they don't live together, that's not an exclusive" I clarify and Blue nodded. " yeah we don't live together" Blue says moving her eyes.

" umm probably 5sos, I've already did the whole one direction thing" she says and the cheer at her answer. We all took turns answering questions. " do you feel vulnerable when you're with Jayson?" Leigh ask Blue and she nodded no hesitation. " I feel like maybe more so now that we have actual eye contact" blue says holding her mic. " he makes you nervous?" Perrie ask and Blue nodded. " oh yeah, first of all he's 6'8 that's already a thing I'm 5'5 I'm the tallest out of us so definitely get nervous but a good nervous" Blue says.

Blue POV
I smiled at Leigh when she asked if I was nervous. My heart currently beating out of my chest right now. I started shaking leg up and down. I had my free hand not holding my mic rubbing up and down my thigh slowly. Jade must have noticed because without missing a beat she smoothly places her hand over mine and interlocks our fingers. The question we're all on our relationship and I felt like an after game conference. I was getting more and more nervous and I tired to suppress it as we answered questions. " okay last Question is for Perrie" Jade say and I smile thank for it was for her. " do you go on double dates with Jayson and Blue" Jade reads and Perrie shakes her head no. " we have not just for the simple fact that obviously when they first started dating she was blind and we wouldn't want to overstimulate her, but we probably will now that she has her sight but I'm sure the two of them just want to enjoy as much alone time as they possibly can so you'll just have to wait it out" Perrie answers and I nodded I think I was now physically shaking.

" oh wait there's one more question for Blue" Leigh says holding up one more card. " where did you meet your man?" I let out a nervous google trying not to hyperventilate. " outside the froyo store that day" I was laughing it off and I seen off in the distance that Jayson could tell I was tense but I felt an entire panic or anxiety attack. We left the floor and quickly ushered us to the dressing room the gave us and I started trying to catch my breath. " give her some space give her some space"Chef our manager who's real name Ryan says as I was focusing on just trying not to black out.

" Blue listen to the sound of my voice" it was our new on hand medic Who we called Joker but his name was Evan. " I nodded not looking at him. " Blue can you take a deep breath for me and squeeze my hand, I want you to try and follow the light with your eyes" he says as he picks up my hand and I tried calming myself down. I saw a light but I couldn't follow it a million things running through my mind. " Blue I need you to follow the light with your eyes" he says and once again I saw the light and his hand moving but I didn't follow because I was panicking. I was taking deep breaths. " Blue can you see the light?" I nodded words caught in my throat, I was nervous. I was anxious to perform in front of all these people and actually see their reaction. " can you please follow the light with your eyes" he says and this being my third time he will deem me unable to perform the original performance. I follow the light this time trying to push all thoughts away.

" how many fingers?" He asked and he showed me four sets of fingers all different numbers and I got them all correct. " I say she had an anxiety attack, which is understandable, you should be good" Joker says standing up and the girls each gave me a hug. The boys had started playing but we were now in hair and makeup getting into our outfit changes. My first song will be performed with Zayn and idk how the fans will react to that. I hear the first notes of ' I don't wanna live forever' playing and I hear the crowd cheering and booing as he began singing. " it'll be okay, we'll be in the tunnel the whole time" the girls say and I smile I was in my costume and they were coming out of this song.

" I'm sitting eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind" I sang walking up to him as he gestured to me and which everyone was cheering now. He could tell I was nervous and I was just happy that he was at least handsome. " wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life ohhh" I sang looking at him as he mouth ' it's alright you got this' to me and I smiled. " baby baby, I feel crazy, up all night all night and everyday" I sang I was still super nervous and tense. I mean I had all these eyes on me. " now I'm in a cab I tell em where your place issss, what is happening to meee?" I asked shyly rubbing my arm and Zayn switches places around me trying to make it more comfortable for me this sweet gesture causes me to smile at him. We  finish the song to cheers and the lights dimmed. Smoke filled the area to get us ready for our entrance and I went to my spot and got on line as the intro to our concert tonight played. Jade grabbed my held and squeezed it. Our mics were on so she couldn't say anything but she knew I was still nervous and now I noticed well be closer to the players. what they didn't know was that under our costumes these were tear aways  and underneath were leggings and the jerseys of our choices. Of course me and Perrie were repping Jayson and Kyrie, the Celtics who won tonight and Leigh Anne was reppingJosh Hart and  Jade was Kyle Kuzma the Lakers.

" this song is very dear to me" Jade says when the smoke clears and we were revealed. " it's dear because we get to help a blue and Perrie sing about wanting to get nasty with their partners and I think it's so sweet Blue is going to sing about it, they're like ten feet away Blue" Leigh-Anne says and I giggle as the intro played. " this bitch gone make me" I said into the mic and the players laughed. In a second they'll be teasing Jayson and Kyrie. " you got me all up in my feels, in all kind of ways, I be trying wait but lately I just wanna keep it real" Perrie sings as we launched into choreography.

She wasn't lying about the guys being close they had the best seats in the house. Jayson had a huge smile on his face and hopefully he like it, the players agreed not to listen to it when it first come out two weeks ago so this is their first time listening. " no more plying safe let's take it all the way, I'm just saying" Perrie's sang as we dance closer so we were now five feet away from them  and if I really wanted to reach out and touch Jayson I could he was conveniently seated so he was staring right at me and he was proud I could tell. " I just want to make time for you" I sang and I danced looked at Leigh who mouths ' you got this boo, come on boo' and I nodded I loved how sweet they were being seeing how nervous I was.

" swear it's just right for you, like this pussy designed for you, ten out of five on ya" I sang so glad the dance moves during this line called for our backs to be to the boys. " Jay know I would sign on the line for you" I sang as we were now facing them after doing a sow and sexy turn. This line did hint at the signature of the braid mode on a marriage license and I would, we've talked about it, if we made it that far in our relationship he was more than willing to propose now I know but I informed him that he had me and I wasn't going anywhere, we had plenty of time to experience each other more before he proposed. " bet I look nice on you, open my mind for you, don't want to wait on it tonight I wanna get nasty" I sang and cheers erupted the stadium giving me courage that this concert was gonna be top tier and I had nothing to be nervous about because Jayson was loving the song as he pals patted his back and cheered him on. His smile was my cue that I was doing a good job and this was going to be a cake walk.

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