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"Follow me, miss." The tall guard says to me once I tell him my name, leading me into the expansive building.

It's nice to see color again, something with character and variety, rather than all white everything. The walls have beautifully intricate carvings and texture, posts supporting them and spanning their length. The ceiling is domed, adorned with even more breathtaking detailing, and I stare in amazement and awe as I'm lead through the bustling space. My heels click against the marble tile, and chandeliers shine magnificent light through the expansive hall. People are talking and laughing over champagne, their elegance adorned with gemstones and pearls.

A stage is at the front of the room, with a large pedestal and red carpeting. No one is up there currently, but I swallow down my anxiety as I remember the plans of Anonymous. I'm praying in my mind, to every God there may be, that Yixing has an idea and a plan to fix all of this, because I certainly don't. I've barely even talked to him since that night that I spied, I need to know what's going on.

But, per usual, I have no idea.

As I follow the guard, several people turn to look at me as I strut past, the train of my incandescent gown fluttering out behind me, trailing along the shiny tiles. The brilliance and bright white color of my dress are obviously attracting a lot of unwanted attention to me, and I can't help but feel self conscious. I try to pull up the front to hide my cleavage a little more, but the stiff fabric won't budge.

After a few moments of making our way through the mass of people, we reach a red velvet gated area closed off by heavy drapery. The guard stops, and turns around, giving me a smile as he opens the gate for me to step in. I smile graciously at him, and step into the small space where the somewhat familiar faces all sit. I've seen their profile pictures, but they're all even more handsome in real life. I can't help but blush a little as they call out my name.

"You must be (Y/N)!" Who I assume is Baekhyun says, eagerness in his tone. Someone else sits next to him, someone I don't recognize. They have matching ties, it must be Brad...

I smile at him, and give him a small wave as I take a seat next to him on the red velvet chaise.

I'm bombarded with greetings by everyone, and it helps to take my mind off of things. A little bit, only a little bit.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you, (Y/N)." Jongin says, coming to sit on the other side of me. "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Don't even try, Jongin." Baekhyun says, shooting him a glare.

I laugh a little, shaking my head and twisting my hands together awkwardly. I glance around the small lounge, decorated with lavish velvet furniture and a beautiful mahogany table in the middle, littered with all sorts of food and drinks. I notice that Chanyeol is not in here, nor is Yixing. Sehun sits in the corner on the other side of the room, shooting glares my way. I try to ignore him, he's the least of my worries right now. His handsome face is turned into a scowl, and his arms are crossed against his chest. He's dressed in a white button down shirt, showcasing his broad shoulders and fit body. I can't deny the fact that he's very attractive, even when he looks so angry.

Junmyeon sits beside Sehun, and he greets me, but seems distracted. Baekhyun and Jongin are talking, but Junmyeon seems to be elsewhere in his mind, just as I am. His brows are furrowed together, and he continuously runs his hands over his suit nervously, adjusting his tie.

"This is Brad, by the way," Baekhyun says, gesturing towards the uncomfortable looking man next to him. I want to roll my eyes at him for actually going through with his whole petty plan, but instead I smile awkwardly and give the man a little wave. They have matching light pink ties, and I can't help but think that he would've looked way better matching with Chanyeol.

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