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1 Day Until the Party

To say I'm shocked when I awake unbothered in the morning, having slept through the night, is an understatement. I had tossed and turned, waiting for the moment my door would burst open and I would be exposed for the secrecy I'd been withholding. My mind was torturing me, imagining all of the possible punishments I would undergo. I cried for my family, cried for myself, cried for Chanyeol, cried for the innocent guests of the party, cried for the way that the world is much darker, much more evil than I had ever fathomed.

But no one ever came. My door stayed still, never wavering. Never opening. No one came in my room. I did not even hear any movement in the hallway outside my room. Eventually, I fell asleep, and when I woke, I was left unscathed.

I still know my path is not clear, however. I am not safe just yet. This anticipation and waiting could all be a part of the torture, how am I to know?

I gulp at the realization that the party is tomorrow. I just need to make it one more day, I need to make it to the party. I pray that Yixing heard the meeting, pray that he was actually listening on the other end. I pray that he can come to the rescue in this situation, as I am not sure what to do. As much as I hate it, I am defenseless. I hate relying on other people to save me, I do not want to be a damsel in distress, but I don't see any other options to take. I don't see any other way, I need to be selfish in order to get myself out of this.

But will Chanyeol be okay? Will Yixing just call off the party? I don't see why he wouldn't call off the party, it seems much too dangerous. I pray that he has some sort of plan, I don't want anyone to get hurt.

But also, I'm relying on this party to get out. I remember the haunting words from last night.

"She'll be dead not long after the party ends."

The words torture me, rip through my chest, extract every ounce of fear from deep inside me. They echo in my head, and I'm reeling from the intense emotions that come along with them. Could today be my final day on this earth? Could this be it for me?

No. I won't allow myself to think like that. This negative thinking will get me nowhere. I will get out of this, I will go to great lengths to make sure I get out of this alive. This is not the end for me, it can't be.

Not wanting to stew in my fear for one more second, I pull myself out of bed. I need to act normal, act like any other day here. If I'm acting paranoid, they will only suspect me more. I need to pretend last night never happened, push it to the back of my mind and disconnect it from myself. That's the only way I'll be able to move forward like a normal functioning person, not be crippled by fear from the harsh words.

I pull myself together, getting ready and putting on my best face. I build the internal wall that will hold back all my emotions, making me the stone cold person I need to be to get through this. With every brick added to the wall, I feel the fear dissipate. I feel the emotion drain from me. I'd rather feel nothing at all than let my emotions overwhelm me and make me susceptible to giving away all of the secrets I must keep.

This is for the best, I remind myself. I push through the morning, piling the wall higher and higher with brick after brick, feeling myself become stronger and stronger as I push away every emotion that threatens to surface. I look lifeless, I feel lifeless, but it's for the better.

I wish I could talk to Yixing, that I could ask him to tell me everything, so that I wouldn't have to live in this horrid state of confusion, constantly feeling as if I'm missing something. I'm missing everything, really. I have no idea what's going on. No idea who to trust, no idea what this place is, no idea what will happen to me and my family. It's a living hell.

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