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4 Days Until the Party

I awake in the morning with a jolt, my heart beating fast in my chest. Anxiety clutches me with it's sharp talons and causes my breath to quicken as I sit up, eyes darting around the room for anything out of place. It takes me a moment to come to, and remember the source of this anxiety that had me waking up continuously throughout the night. The sun is shining through the window now, signalling to me that it's finally morning. I remember the phone call with Yixing last night, consumed with paranoia over the fact that someone may have been listening into our private exchange.

To my relief, no one came bursting into my room last night. No one came to kill me, no one came to tell me I had messed up yet again. But the coast is still not clear, not yet at least. My chest is still rising and falling rapidly as I catch my breath, and I grip the plush white comforter in my hands, squeezing to try and alleviate some of the crippling anxiety I feel coursing through me.

It will all be fine, I tell myself. If they knew, they would have come in by now. They would have, wouldn't they?

I shake my head, desperately trying to rid my racing thoughts. I pull myself out of the warmth of the soft bed, my exposed skin tingling from the loss of contact as the cool air washes over me. I take a deep breath, the coolness filling my lungs and breathing a little life into me. I pad across the floor to the dresser, and pull open the smooth, glossy top drawer. I groan in annoyance as I dig through, looking for something suitable to wear.

Why is everything here white?

All of the clothes they provided me with also seem very skimpy, and I shudder at the thought, trying to not pay it much attention. I finally decide on a silky white dress that rests just above my knees, it's off the shoulder and has some dainty lace detailing. I slide on the same white ballet flats I've been wearing, and grab my toiletries, heading to the bathroom.

When I walk into the hallway, there's a few men talking on the other side of the hall. Their eyes dart to me instantaneously once my door clicks closed, and their eyes practically pop out of their heads. They look to each other, eyes still wide. I stand there awkwardly, my pulse quickening.

After a few moments, they quickly scurry off down the hall, whispering to each other as they hurriedly distance themselves from me.

Does this place get any weirder? I try to numb myself to the paranoia that threatens to take over once again, telling myself everything is fine. They're probably just supposed to stay away from me, that's all. I keep giving myself these affirmations as I make my way to the bathroom, my head swimming.

I take extra time washing my face, repeatedly splashing cold water on my skin. I stare intently at my reflection, searching my own face for any remnant of familiarity, any sign of myself. I don't recognize myself, I feel different. It must be the emptiness in my eyes, my once shocking blue irises now clouded over with some foreign emotion.

Emptiness? Fear? Confusion? Defeat? I can't be sure, maybe it's all of those things mixed into one.

My face looks thinner, my cheeks hollow. My collarbones protrude more than usual, and my arms look thinner. I notice the way my stomach feels empty, and my ribs poke out more than they used to. I haven't been eating, my appetite has been nonexistent. I make a mental note to myself that I need to get a good breakfast in after this, I need to make sure I'm ready for anything I might have to do to get out of here.

I finish getting ready, and step out of the bathroom, planning to go check the phone and see if a chatroom is open to pass the time.

My heart practically stops beating in my chest as I bump into something hard as I step out the door. I gasp and look up, seeing the face that haunted my dreams and paranoia the previous night.

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