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2 Days Until the Party

When the sunlight pours through my window and wakes me up, I'm instantly reminded of the stressors clogging my mind. As if I could ever forget them.

My sleep was anything but restful the previous night. My dreams were plagued by sadistic men wearing white cloaks, white exam rooms, vents, parties, and fear.

My chest is tight from the moment I wake up. Time goes by in a blur. I feel dread, but also anticipation. The anticipatory feelings racing through my brain confuse me. I'm happy to finally be able to do something to move me towards getting out of here, to feel like I'm being productive instead of sitting by idly, stricken by my fear. But the fear is powerful as well, threatening to pull me under.

If I get caught tonight, it's over for me.

My morning is spent contemplating, going back and forth in my mind. My nightmares from last night haunt me, especially the one where Minseok was chasing me through a small vent, the walls closing in as he got closer and closer to me. I shudder, trying to rid my head of the terrifying thoughts.

Worrying about it will not do anything, I remind myself. It will not change the outcome, or make me more likely to succeed. It will make me appear suspicious, it will cloud my good judgement, and make me suffer the entire day. I keep reminding myself of this throughout the morning. I tell myself these affirmations as I look in the mirror getting ready, as I eat my dry toast in the dining hall, as I smuggle a butter knife back to my room, as I sit in silence on my bed and will the time to move by faster.

Eventually, my mind wanders back to Chanyeol. In the midst of my own worries, I had forgotten that he never came home. I wonder if he has by now, I hope he's okay. I feel horrible for what I had to tell him, and I haven't even talked to him since. I'm scared to make a wrong move, to say the wrong thing, so I decide to still not text him. I can make it up to him after the party, it's only two days away now.

My mind begins to go crazy again, so I reach for the phone, hoping a chatroom is open to distract me. I need to do something to shift my thoughts so that I don't torture myself by sitting here all day ruminating on these unhelpful thoughts. To my relief, there's a chatroom open, and I speedily enter, ready for the distraction that these boys provide me.

After the party, will I ever talk to them again? I scold myself for the thoughts, I should just be focusing on getting out of here, and distancing myself as far as I can. I need to go back to my old life, and forget any of this ever happened. I'm confused by the emotion that arises when my mind goes to never talking to them again, but I try to suppress it. I barely even know them anyways.

(Y/N) has entered the chat

Yixing: Welcome, (Y/N).

Baekhyun: You're here!

Jongin: Hi!!!!

(Y/N): Hi guys. Any news on Chanyeol?

Baekhyun: Yes, he came home late last night thank god. He's really upset about something, though. He won't talk to me, and he won't come on the chat. I'm scared that he's mad at me :(

Yixing: I don't think he's mad at you, he just has some of his own stuff going on I think.

(Y/N): Yixing is right.

Baekhyun: How can you be so sure?

(Y/N): Just a feeling. You haven't done anything to make him angry, have you?

Baekhyun: I don't think so, but still.

Yixing: It's okay, he'll come around. Probably just stressed over some new hacking job.

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