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When I wake, my room is dark, moonlight shining in through a small port window. An eerie silence fills the room, and my own breathing is loud in my ears. I turn over, my hands searching the mattress for the phone, my fingertips running over the smooth fabric of the duvet. After a few moments, I feel the cool metal and turn it on to see that it is two in the morning, blinking as my eyes adjust to the bright light. As much as the thought scares me, Maybe at this time in the night there are less people around, and I can make an escape, or at least try to get a sense of the building a little more.

I hesitantly climb out of the bed, my feet thudding as they hit the carpet. I try to go quickly, before I can overthink everything. Quietly making my way to the door, I press my ear to the laminate surface and listen for voices. I don't hear anything, but I worry there could still be guards outside. I listen for a few more moments, holding my breath, and am still met with silence. Painstakingly, I grasp the chilling metal of the door handle and ever so slowly turn, cracking the door and peering out.

I can't make out the surroundings, the hallway is much too dark, but I sense no presence of others. I guess maybe there aren't guards after all, not yet at least. I try to think back to the day before when I was brought to my room, trying to remember the floor plan. All I remember seeing was white hallway after white hallway, all of them looked the same. A little exploring couldn't hurt, and if I get caught, I'll just say I was trying to find a bathroom. That's only half of a lie, as I have no idea where the nearest bathroom is.

Holding my breath, I ever so slowly creak the door open more, until there is enough space for me to slink out. Cautiously closing it behind me, I try to make out where I am, to get a sense of direction, but due to the lack of windows, it is pitch black. I walk for a few moments, feeling my way, when I hear a hushed whisper and footsteps. My heart stops dead in my chest, and I freeze, flattening myself against the cool wall.

I can't see them, but I hear the footsteps and voices grow closer and louder. I squeeze my eyes shut, praying to god that they don't notice me. I should never have even left my room, why couldn't I have just stayed still? What did I think was going to happen?

"Did you see in the messenger? Yixing is onto us, I think he knows that girl has something to do with us. I told them we should have waited longer since the last threat, I told them he was going to know this disruption had something to do with us," A voice whispers, coming closer down the hallway.

"I know, Master is gonna be so pissed in this meeting. What if Yixing is planning something right now? He's totally gonna wanna save that girl from us. If this fails all of our plans will have to change. The largest process is already underway, but it will take time. They already suspect us, so what stops Yixing from doing something to ruin us?" Another hushed voice utters, sounding urgent.

They think Yixing would want to save me? What has happened between Yixing and this place. What process are they talking about? That must be related to what Minseok meant when he said EXO has something they need. The mention of the meeting they're heading to fills me with dread, as I've gotten the message that they may be analyzing all that I said in the chat? My breath hitches when I sense them walking directly past me, and I am terrified they will bump into me or hear my breathing, hear my heart beating a million miles a minute. I bite down on my lip in exasperation, tensing my whole body, urging myself to not make a single sound. I hear their footsteps grow louder and louder, and then thankfully more quiet as they pass me. My body relaxes, and I release my lip from between my teeth.

I try to continue to eavesdrop as they continue on farther away, inching my way along silently to follow their voices.

"They brought up Kris and Tao as well, it's only a matter of time before the other members find out about it. I think what we need to do is let them find out, and turn them against Yixing. They'll lose it if they found out Yixing was one of us."

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