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Sometimes I would swear that the world was out to get me. All of the trivial problems I had day in and day out, I let them control me. I focused on those things, never feeling truly happy with where I was at. I took it all for granted, not knowing that one day I would give absolutely anything to go back, anything to get back all that I once had.

 The sinking feeling in my stomach that night told me something was not right. The intense paranoia told me something was about to change, but I suppressed it, other matters on my mind. I knew it wasn't a good idea for me to walk home from work alone at night. I should have known better, but I did it anyways. I couldn't be bothered to search through my purse for money to hail a cab, or stand waiting for a taxi. I told myself it would be fine, because it always had been. Sometimes it's all a false alarm. Sometimes I would laugh at myself for how silly I had been, afterwards laughing at the horrific worst case scenarios that would pop up in my mind. That's not how it went that night, however. It did not all turn out okay. This time, instead of laughing at how far-fetched the worst case scenarios I thought up were, I laughed at how much of an understatement they were.

That night everything changed. The moment I felt the shock of a hand being clamped over my mouth, descending into blackness as my eyes were covered, I had no idea what was in store for me. No idea that the world was so different than I thought it to be. No idea that it was much worse than I could possibly fathom. Being yanked down the alleyway, voices muttering around me as I struggled and tried to scream for help, I was being pulled farther and farther from everything I'd ever known. I told myself they only wanted to steal my money, maybe to mess around with me a little, maybe get me to steal some money for them. I was so innocent back then, so incredibly innocent.

"Welcome to paradise," that deep voice cooed into my ear, his breathe trailing down my neck and filling my entire being with strickening fear. I will always remember those words, the last words I heard before my life was changed, the last moments of my ignorance to all that truly encaptured this world. The last moments of my life as I knew it.

I blacked out after that, and when I woke up, my new life began.


"Everything is still working correctly, right?"

"It'll be fine, we've been planning this for months, we're really ready this time."

"I think everything is all set, we just have to-"

"Shit! Kris, I think she's waking up."

My vision is foggy, fading in and out as I open and close my eyes, blinking rapidly. My ears ring, causing me to wince. I rub my eyes, vision fading at the edges. I slowly sit up, a heavy weight pressing on my chest, my breathing ragged. Immediately I sense that something is not right. Where am I? Who are those voices? What happened?

A warm hand on my shoulder jolts me to my senses, breaking me out of my hazy trance. The confusion of it all hits me like a bus, a sensory overload all at once. The cold, white walls. The slick white tile. The white table I'm lying on, its shiny, plastic surface reflecting my horrified reflection back at me. My whole body aches, feeling as if bruises littered the entire surface of my skin. I look down to the silky white gown adorning my shaking body, seeming to blend into the table I lie here on. Most importantly, I notice the two unfamiliar men looking over me, barely able to meet their gaze.

I take a sharp intake of breath, fear gripping my chest, leaving a writhing wound in its wake. Am I dreaming? I try to think back to what had happened previously, to whatever last bits of consciousness I could find in my foggy mind. I was at work, I had to work late, I closed up, I started walking home......

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