Chapter 12 - Coming Home

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"For two weeks?" Mr Fujita raised his right eyebrow at Ariel's request for leave from his swivel chair.

"Yes, Fujita-san. I'd like to return home," said Ariel.

"It's more than half the period of annual leave that you're allowed. Besides, in Japan, you don't request that much of leave in one shot like that, but break them down throughout the year. This is to be fair to your colleagues when they stand in for you."

"I understand, sir. Maybe 7 days would do instead?"

Mr Fujita contemplated for while and observed her through squinted eyes, tapping his fingers on his desk.

She panicked inside if she had offended him with an "unreasonable" demand. Suddenly, he broke into a chuckle.

"Ariel, ever since you joined Fujita, sales of our sauces have surpassed the figures by Leon Waltz. And now, our Hinata restaurant is packed to the brim every day, bringing in handsome figures."

"Thank you for your kind compliments, Fujita-san," Ariel bowed with a proud smile.

"As you know, I have plans to open another Hinata restaurant back in North America. I will sponsor you to travel back for 7 days and find me the best location. I won't treat this as a leave, so none of your annual leave will be deducted."

"Thank you so much," she beamed.

"I'll have Hiroshi accompany you on the trip," he leaned forward. "He seems to be very fond of you lately."

Ariel was taken aback. Did Hiroshi confess his feelings towards her to his dad?

Mr Fujita stood up from his chair and turned towards the window behind him with his hands resting behind his back.

"You know, Ariel, I've never seen Hiroshi this happy ever since you came. When his mother died, he became withdrawn and always focused his attention on his hobbies. He had a few girlfriends before but none of them could make him so happy like you do."

He turned to face her.

"As you know, our Japanese culture has an unhealthy stigma towards single mothers. I was raised by a single mum myself. My mother left my father as he would often beat her. I was five then, and when she finally plucked the courage to leave him and bring me along, I never saw him again," He paused for a moment as his eyes drifted in memory, and then nodded. "I never forget how it felt like being raised by a single mother."

Taking a deep breath, he continued his story, "I was bullied in school because of my status of having no father nor money. But my mother sacrificed so much for me, juggling two jobs everyday and she never stopped being my rock and protector. She raised me well and taught me how a good man should treat a woman. That's how I got a good wife, and I became her rock and protector until the day she died. My late wife left me two beautiful children. I credit the man I am today to my mother and to my wife."

Ariel was touched by his story that even Hiroshi never shared about, surprised to find out how her past carried some similarities to his. Now she knew why he was understanding towards her when she revealed who Darryl Crews really was.

He stretched his fatherly smile further, "I'm not like many of my countrymen here who see a single mother as a burden. To me, single mothers are the most selfless beings who give double the love. And you're one of them. If Hiroshi has another chance with love, I think you make a great catch."

She blushed at the compliments.

Despite being a strict boss and having a reputation of being a shrewd businessman, Mr Fujita was, in fact, a kind soul who did a lot of philanthropy works and was more open to hiring disadvantaged workers than many others. No doubt he was highly respected by many as a result.

"No doubt Hiroshi's been of great help to me in settling in and he's a wonderful boss, teacher and friend, but I don't think our chemistry calls for the next level," she said in an awkward tone and fidgeted nervously with her fingers.

Mr Fujita chuckled at her cute reaction.

"We'll see," he gave as hopeful smile before giving her a friendly wave of dismissal.

Ariel gave a quick bow and left briskly.

What in the world was that?

At least, she was glad to be returning home after such a long time.


"What do you think of this street?" Ariel pointed at the crowded street famed for its novelty restaurants.

Hiroshi scanned the area and its throng of human traffic. "Lots of potential. But..." He rubbed his chin in hesitation through squinted eyes.

"Anything wrong?"

"Too much competition here. I prefer the one not far from the theme park that we were at just now, where such restaurants are not so plentiful. Also, no one's serving the creative fusions that we have in that area. Human traffic over there is twice more, considering its close proximity to the fashion stores, famous landmarks and the seaside."

"I see."

The mention of that theme park brought to memory where she, Andy and her friends went out together with Leon on the first day of his successful disguise. Must it really be the spot for the new restaurant?

"Let's head back to the office and send our findings to the team. I'm pretty confident that the previous spot would be a winner," said Hiroshi confidently as he and Ariel walked towards the car with their bodyguard s.

While she opened the door to enter in, she looked up and caught eye of news of Leon's dwindling popularity and snippets of his aggressive behaviour towards the paparazzi and fans in public on the large billboard TV screen across the skyscraper opposite them.

Sure, he was quite like this in private, but in public where he usually kept up with appearances, it seemed that he was letting loose and not caring anymore. The sight of his public outbursts was painful to watch.

"Are you okay," asked Hiroshi when he noticed that she did not move.

"Sorry," she quickly got into the car.

"It's Leon, isn't it?" Hiroshi asked. Ariel did not reply.

He sighed, "I understand that it's not easy." It was obvious from her sullen expression that she was still harbouring some special feelings for her former boss. Since the day he confessed to her his feelings, they never brought it up again and went on with business as usual.

"Oh well, at least be glad you're not working for him anymore. I can't believe the way he is right now. Can you see why we dropped him and choose you instead?"

She nodded. "I understand. Shall we?"

Hiroshi returned a nod, started the engine and drove off.

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