Chapter 56 - New landlord

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Hiroshi got upset when Ariel decided to discontinue their Krav Maga lessons.

"I want more 'me' time after work" she excused. In truth, she was no longer feeling comfortable with Hiroshi like she used to.

Hiroshi observed her expression and suspected, "Is Leon's causing trouble for you? Has he been bothering you?"

"Please, Hiroshi-san," Ariel was unsettled. "It's nothing to do with him. It's me."

"You sure?"

"I just need more breaks after work."

"We can revert back to once a week if three times is too much for you," insisted Hiroshi.

"No. As in, I want to stop completely, for now."

"What? Why?"

"I've built up enough confidence through your training and I appreciate your support all this time. But I really need a break."

Hiroshi sighed, "Fine. But let me know when you're ready to resume. You know I'm always there for you."

She bowed in appreciation.

Somehow, he was not fully convinced by her reasons.


"What do you mean your house got sold?" Leon was shocked when his landlord informed him that his rented townhouse was sold without his notice.

"So sorry. The buyer was extremely persistent and even topped up an additional $1 million. How can I refuse? He'll be your new landlord now."

Leon hung up on him and cursed, rapidly tapping his fingers on the arm of the sofa and massaging the bridge of his nose between his eyes. Even the two properties he was trying to sell off were located in other states and not here.

Sky's ears held back and whined at him when she sensed he was in a bad mood.

"Sorry, girl. Come here," he patted on the empty space on the sofa next to him. Sky hopped on it and laid her head on his lap, her blue eyes staring at his face.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Vinny, can you see who's that?" he ordered her to check on the visitor.

Vinny went out of the main door and upon verifying who it was, she opened the gate.

"It's the new landlord," she announced.

"Just in time," Leon muttered and when he got up, he was lost for words to see Hiroshi walking in.

"So, you're the one who bought this townhouse?" he narrowed his eyes at him.

"Yes, it's a pretty nice townhouse," Hiroshi scanned the inside and patted the sturdy wall. "I like it."

Leon clenched his fists, knowing the real reason why Hiroshi was doing this. "Don't think that you can take me away from Ariel like this."

"Well, I can," Hiroshi plopped into the sofa and put one leg across the other. Sky growled at him. "Come here, Sky!" Leon commanded. Sky got down from the sofa and went to Leon.

"What a good dog. If only you can be as good as her," said Hiroshi.

"What did you say?" Leon bared his teeth.

"Oh, such similar expressions. You know I'm just kidding," Hiroshi chuckled as both dog and owner flashed their teeth at him. "Since I'm the new landlord, you've two options. Leave the premises within the next thirty days, or pay the new rent price at twice the amount of the old."

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