Chapter 39 - Awkward Encounter

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Leon wet his lips, "Well erm, don't you have anything to say?"

Ariel quickly wiped away the tears from her face. It felt embarrassing to have Leon looking at her in such a mess for the first time in such a long while. Still, no words could come out. How on earth could it be such a coincidence? Was this some divine joke?

Hiroshi was just as surprised as she was. He walked over to Ariel and put his arm around her shoulders, "Are you okay?"

Ariel gave a nervous nod. Hiroshi's touch helped steadied her from the rude shock of seeing Leon face-to-face.

Leon's pursed his lips at the sight of that touch. Of course, they were a couple. Why was it affecting him badly to see Hiroshi's affection on Ariel right before his eyes? Hadn't he gotten over her?

"Leon Waltz, what a surprise to see you," Hiroshi greeted.

"I should say the same too, Hiroshi," replied Leon.

"Following us, perhaps?" teased Hiroshi.

"I've better things to do than that."

"Actually, Leon's here on holiday, just like us. He stays in this really cool tiny house cabin. He found me crying while I was lost. Can you believe it?" Andy explained excitedly and wrapped his arms around Leon's waist. Leon stroked his back with a proud smile.

"How nice...." Hiroshi remarked. "Well, thank you for finding our Andy."

"Our Andy?" Leon's brows drew together.

"He's a precious boy."

"So precious that none of you watched over him?"

Hiroshi and Ariel exchanged uneasy glances.

"Well, we...we just..," Ariel realised she could not defend herself. 

"Anyway, we're glad he's found. Come Andy, shall we go?" Hiroshi offered his hand.

"I wanna stay with Leon."

"Andy!" Ariel glared.

"How nice of Andy's mother not to say at least a word of thanks," Leon said sarcastically.

"Thank you," Ariel felt piqued by his words. "Com'on, Andy."

Andy shook his head. He squeezed Leon even tighter.

"Ow Andy, careful there," Leon patted his arms to release the tension.

It was at that moment Ariel noticed some small bruises and a few bandaids on his right arm and right leg.

"What happened?" Ariel pointed at those bruises with her chin.

"These?" Leon turned his body to reveal the extent of his bruises.

"My drone dropped on him, so he fell on his bike and got hurt," Andy admitted with remorse.

"And on my head. Ouch," Leon touched the soreness of the bump on top of his head.

"Sorry.." Andy mumbled. "But I did help put bandaids on you."

Leon continued, "As his parent, you should compensate me for the injuries caused by your son."

Andy let go of his arms around Leon.

"Well, your injuries don't look so bad," Hiroshi commented.

"Wanna feel what it's like having a drone drop on your head from 20 feet?"

"Alright, I'll compensate you," said Ariel as she took out her wallet. "How much?"

"First, come with me to my cabin to check out my wounds, then we can negotiate a figure."

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